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Hi my name is Tommy, I'am 17 years old I love love my family, my friends, my dogs, and definitely my drums. Just recently I started playing the drums, and havent stop loving them since. Even though I have just started my instructor tells me that i am reat for just starting one of the best he has heardand that i am going to be a great drummer one day , even better then him. I think i picked up the drums because of my bestfriend Ty(who is like a brother to me) him and i were trying to start a band last year when i moved out to AZ. I started playing the bass and loved it, but then i started trying to play guitar and my bass was given to another kid that wanted to play bass so we coud get our band going. There was only one problem we coud find no drummers so the band even though we played together never got off the ground. Then i was uprouted from the friends i lovewhen my moms insane boyfriend that mom just kicked out talk her into moving back to MO, I didn't want to but i was forced. I was seperated from my bestfriend i ever had Ty, I would die for that kid thats how close we were. Now being back here it kinda definitely demolished the hope of our band even though he finally got a band together it didnt seem to work. So we talked and decided to move in with eachother when we graduate and start a band and his friend Eddie will be coming to to play bass. I think the drive of knowing that one day my friends and I will be back together is what makes me feel the way about the drums the way i do, because music is a huge connection between us it is what brought us together in the first place. Then something weird happen not a bad weird but a good weird Ty started dating a girl named Sara and introduced her to me through AIM, now they are not going out but r still really good friends, and I because of being here have never met her but have to talk to her for nights and became really good friends I feel like i can tell her anything she is just a really awesome person and a good friend, so now she is going to move with us now to which I think is totally awesome. I love the drums and I love what they make me, they make me free.

I love the drums

Other pages

My 2 page
My bands Myspace page
My friend and band member Ty's Myspace page
Cool girl Sara's Myspace page
