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Lyrics from Musicls

West Side Story JET SONG RIFF: When you' re a Jet You're a Jet all the way From your first cigarette To you last dyin' day. When you're a Jet If the shit hits the fan, You got brothers around, You're a family man! You're never alone, You're never disconnected! You're home with your own When company's expected You're well protected! Then you are set With a capital J. Which you'll never forget Till they cart you away When you're a Jet. You stay A Jet! I know Tony like I know me. I guarantee you Can count him in. ACTION: In, out, let's get crackin' A-RAB: Where you're gonna find Bernardo? RIFF: At the dance tonight at the gym BIG DEAL: But the gym is neutral territory. RIFF (innocently): I'm gonna make nice there! I'm only gonna challenge him. A-RAB: Great Daddy-O! RIFF: so everybody dress up sweet and sharp and meet Tony and me at ten. ALL: Oh, when the Jets fall in at the cornball dance We'll be the sweetest dressin' gang in pants! And when the chicks dig us in our Jet black ties, They're gonna flip, gonna flop, gonna drop like flies! (They dance together a little wild ) RIFF: Hey, Cool! Easy. Sweet. See ya. And walk tall! (He runs off) A-RAB: We always walk tall! BABY JOHN: We're Jets! ACTION: The greatest! ACTION and BABY JOHN: When you're a Jet You're the top cat in town You're the gold-medal kid With the heavyweight crown! A-RAB, ACTION and BIG DEAL: When you're a Jet You're the swingingest thing Little boy, you're a man Little man, you're a king ALL: The Jets are in gear. Our cylinders are clicking The Sharks'll stay clear 'Cause ev'ry Puerto Rican 's a lousy chicken! Here come the Jets Like a bat out of hell Someone gets in our way Someone don't feel so well Here come the Jets Little world, step aside Better go underground, Better run, better hide We're drawin' the line, So keep your noses hidden! We're hangin' a sign, Says "Visitors forbidden" And we ain't kiddin'! Here come the Jets, Yeah! An' we're gonna beat Ev'ry last buggin' gang On the whole buggin' street! On the whole ever-mother-lovin' street TONY: Could be! Who knows? There's something due any day I will know, right away Soon as it shows It may come connanballing down Through the sky Gleam in its eye, bright as rose Who knows? It's only just out of reach Down the block, on a beach Under a tree I got a feeling there's a miracle due Gonna come true, comin' to me... Could it be, yes, it could Something's comin', something good If I can wait! Something's comin', I don't know what it is But it is gonna be great! With a click, with a shock , Phone'll jingle, door will knock, Open the latch! Something's comin', Don't know when But it's soon Catch the moon, One-handed catch! Around the corner, Or whistlin' down the river Come on, deliver to me! Will it be? Yes, it will! Maybe just by holding still, It'll be there! Come on, something, Come on in, Don't be shy, Meet a guy, Pull up a chair! The air is humming And something great is coming! Who knows? It's only just out of reach, Down the block, on a beach, Maybe tonight... Maybe tonight... Maybe tonight...! Maria Maria . . The most beautiful sound I ever heard: Maria. Maria. Maria. Maria... All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word Maria. Maria. Maria. Maria... Maria! I've just met a girl named Maria And suddenly that name Will never be the same To me. Maria! I've just kissed a girl named Maria And suddenly I've found How wonderful a sound Can be! Maria! Say it loud and there's music playing, Say it soft and it's almost like praying Maria! I'll never stop saying Maria! The most beautiful sound I ever heard Maria... MARIA: Only you, you're the only thing I'll see forever. In my eyes, in my words and in ev'rything I do, Nothing else but you. Ever! TONY: And there's nothing for me but Maria, Ev'ry sight that I see is Maria. MARIA: Tony. Tony... TONY: Always you, ev'ry thought I'll ever know, MARIA: Ev'rywhere I go, you'll be, you and me! All the world is only you and me! (They kiss) Tonight, tonight, It all began tonight, I saw you and the world went away. Tonight, tonight, There's only you tonight, What you are, what you do, what you say. Today, all day I had the feeling A miracle would happen. I know now I was right. For here you are, And what was just a world is a star Tonight! BOTH: Tonight. tonight, The world is full of light, With suns and moons all over the place. Tonight, tonight, The world is wild and bright. Going mad, shooting sparks into space. Today the world was just an address. A place for me to live in, No better than all right, But here you are And what was just a world is a star Tonight! (They kiss. Maria goes inside.) TONY: Tonight! Tonight! It all began tonight I saw you and the world went away BOTH: Good night, good night, Sleep well and when you dream, Dream of me... Tonight! ROSALIA Puerto Rico... You lovely island ... Island of tropical breezes Always the pineapples growing, Always the coffee blossoms blowing... ANITA (mockingly): Puerto Rico: You ugly island... Island of tropic diseases. Always the hurricanes blowing, Always the population growing... And the money owing, And the babies crying, And the bullets flying. I like the island Manhattan - Smoke on your pipe and put that in! OTHERS (except Rosalia): I like to be in America! Okay by me in America! Everything free in America For a small fee in America ROSALIA: I like the city of San Juan ANITA: I know a boat you can get on. ROSALIA: Hundreds of flowers in full bloom. ANITA: Hundreds of people in each room! ALL (except Rosalia): Automobile in America, Chromium steel in America, Wire-spoke wheel in America, Very big deal in America! ROSALIA: I'll drive a Buick through San Juan. ANITA: If there's a road you can drive on! ROSALIA: I'll give my cousins a free ride ANITA: How can you get all of them inside? ALL (except Rosalia): Immigrant goes to America, Many hellos in America, Nobody knows in America, Puerto Rico's in America! (The girls dance around Rosalia.) ROSALIA: I'll bring a TV to San Juan. ANITA: If there's a current to turn on! ROSALIA: I'll give them new washing machine. ANITA: What have they got there to keep clean? ALL (except Rosalia): I like the shores of America! Comfort is yours in America! Knobs on the doors in America, Wall-to-wall floors in America! (They dance) ROSALIA: When I will go back to San Juan - ANITA: When you will shut up and get gone! ROSALIA: Ev'ryone there will give big cheer! ANITA: Ev'ryone there will have moved here! RIFF: Boy, boy, crazy boy. Get cool, boy! Got a rocket in your pocket, Keep coolly cool, boy! Don't get hot, 'Cause, man, you got Some high times ahead. Take it slow and Daddy-o, You can live it up and die in bed! Boy, boy, crazy boy. Stay loose, boy! Breeze it, buzz it, easy does it. Turn off the juice, boy! Go, man, go. But not like a yo-yo Schoolboy Just play it cool, boy, Real cool! FUGUE (Frenetic dance) JETS: Boy, boy, crazy boy. Stay loose, boy! etc. Schoolboy... RIFF: Just play it cool, boy, Real cool! TONY: I, Anton, take thee, Maria... MARIA: I, Maria, take thee, Anton... TONY: For richer, for poorer... MARIA: In sickness and in health... TONY: To love and to honor... MARIA: To hold and to keep... TONY: From each sun to each moon... MARIA: From tomorrow to tomorrow... TONY: From now to forever... MARIA: Till death do us part. TONY: With this ring, I thee wed. MARIA: With this ring, I thee wed. TONY: Make of our hands one hand, Make of our hearts one heart, Make of our vows one last vow Only death will part us now MARIA: Make of our lives one life, Day after day one life. BOTH: Now it begins, now we start One hand one heart; Even death won't part us now. (They rise and slowly put the mannequins back into position.) BOTH: Make of our lives one life, Day after day one life. Now it begins, now we start One hand one heart; Even death won't part us now. 9. Quintet RIFF: The Jets are gonna have their day Tonight BERNARDO: The Sharks are gonna have their way Tonight RIFF: The Puerto Ricans grumble, "Fair fight" But if they start a rumble, We'll rumble 'em right SHARKS: We're gonna hand 'em a surprise Tonight JETS: We're gonna cut 'em down to size Tonight SHARKS: We said "O. K. no rumpus, No tricks." But just in case they jump us. We're ready to mix. Tonight! BOTH: We're gonna rock it tonight We're gonna jazz it up and have us a ball! They're gonna get it tonight; The more they turn it on, the harder they fall! JETS: Well, they began it! SHARKS: Well, they began it - BOTH: And we're the ones to stop 'em once and for all, Tonight! ANITA: Anita's gonna get her kicks Tonight We'll have our private little mix Tonight He'll walk in hot and tired, So what? Don't matter if he's tired, As long as he's hot Tonight! TONY: Tonight, tonight, Won't be just any night, Tonight there will be no morning star. Tonight, tonight! I'll see my love tonight And for us stars will stop where they are. Today the minutes seem like hours, The hours go so slowly, And still the sky is light... Oh moon, grow bright, And make this endless day endless night! RIFF (to Tony): I'm counting on you to be there Tonight. When Diesel wins it fair and square Tonight. That Puerto Rican punk'll Go down. And when he's hollered Uncle We'll tear up the town! MARIA: Tonight, tonight Won't be just any night, etc. RIFF (firmly): So I can count on you, boy! TONY (abstractedly): All right RIFF: We're gonna have us a ball TONY (a bit impatiently): All right All right RIFF (gently): Womb to tomb! TONY (regretting his impatience): Sperm to worm! RIFF: I'll see you there about eight... TONY: Tonight... BERNARDO and SHARKS: We're gonna rock it tonight!! ANITA: Tonight... BERNARDO and SHARKS: We're gonna jazz it up and have us a ball! They're gonna get it tonight, tonight! They began it, they began it And we're the ones to stop 'em once and for all, Tonight! The Sharks are gonna have their way, The Sharks are gonna have their day, We're gonna rock it tonight, Tonight! ANITA: Tonight, Late tonight We're gonna mix it tonight Anita's gonna have her day, Bernardo's gonna have his way Tonight, tonight Tonight this very night, We're gonna rock it tonight! RIFF and JETS: They began it, they began it We'll stop 'em once and for all! The Jets are gonna have their way, The Jets are gonna have their day, We're gonna rock it tonight, Tonight! MARIA: I'll see my love tonight And for us stars will stop where they are. Today the minutes seem like hours, The hours go so slowly, And still the sky is light... Oh moon, grow bright, And make this endless day endless night! Tonight! TONY: Today the minutes seem like hours, The hours go so slowly, And still the sky is light... Oh moon, grow bright, And make this endless day endless night! Tonight! 10. I feel pretty MARIA: I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright, And I pity Any girl who isn't me tonight. I feel charming, Oh, so charming - It's alarming how charming I feel, And so pretty That I hardly can believe I'm real. See the pretty girl in that mirror there: Who can that attractive girl be? Such a pretty face, Such pretty dress, Such a pretty smile. Such s pretty me! I feel stunning And entrancing. Feel like running and dancing for joy. For I'm loved By a pretty wonderful boy! GIRLS: Have you met my good friend Maria. The craziest girl on the block? You'll know her the minute you see her, She's the one who is in an advanced state of shock. She thinks she's in love, She thinks she's in Spain, She isn't in love, She's merely insane! It must be the heat, Or some rare disease Or too much to eat Or maybe it's fleas Keep away from her. Send for Chino! This is not the Maria we know Modest and pure. Polite and refined. Well-bred and mature And out of her mind! MARIA: I feel pretty. Oh, so pretty! That the city should give me its key A committee Should be organized to honor me! GIRLS: La, la, la, la... MARIA: I feel dizzy, I feel sunny, I feel dizzy and funny and fine And so pretty, Miss America can just resign! GIRLS: La, la, la, la... MARIA: See the pretty girl in that mirror there: GIRLS: What mirror, where? MARIA: Who can that attractive girl be? GIRLS: Which? What? Where? Whom? Such a pretty face, Such pretty dress, Such a pretty smile. Such s pretty me! GIRLS: Whom-mmm? Such s pretty me! ALL: I feel stunning And entrancing. Feel like running and dancing for joy. For I'm loved By a pretty wonderful boy! Somewhere (Ballet) TONY: And - and And I'll take you away, take you far, far away out of here, Far, far away till the walls and the streets disappear. TONY and MARIA: Somewhere there must be a place we can feel we're free, Somewhere there's got to be some place for you and for me. Somewhere A GIRL: There's a place for us, Somewhere a place for us. Peace and quiet and open air Wait for us Somewhere. There's a time for us, Some day a time for us. Time together and time to spare, Time to look, time to care Some day! Somewhere We'll find a new way of living, Will find there's a way of forgiving Somewhere... There's a place for us, A time and place for us. Hold my hand and we're halfway there Hold my hand and I'll take you there Somehow... Some day... Somewhere... PROCESSION AND NIGHTMARE (The lovers hold out their hands to each other, the others follow suit - Jets to Sharks; Sharks to Jets and form a sort of procession.) ALL: There's a place for us... (Suddenly there is a dead stop. The figures of Riff and Bernardo slowly walk on. The dream becomes a nightmare: as the city returns, there are brief reenactments of the knife fight, of the deaths Maria and Tony are once again separated from each other by the violent warring of the two sides. Maria tries to reach Bernardo, Tony tries to stop Riff; the lovers try to reach each other but cannot. Chaotic confusion and blackness out of which they find themselves back in the bedroom, clinging to each other desperately.) TONY: Hold my hand and we're halfway there Hold my hand and I'll take you there TONY and MARIA: Somehow... Some day... Somewhere! Gee officer krupke KRUPKE (whistle): Hey, you! A-RAB: Who me? KRUPKE: Yeah, you! (A-rab and Baby John stop surprised.) A-RAB: Why it is Officer Krupke, Baby John- BABYJOHN (quaking): Top of the evening, Officer Krupke. KRUPKE: I'll crack the top of your skulls if you punks don't stop when I whistle, (exits; other Jets appear.) SNOWBOY: Ya see, cops believe everything they read in the paper. ACTION: To them we ain't human. We're cruddy juvenile delinquents. So that's what we give 'em. SNOWBOY(imitating Krupke): Hey, you! ACTION: Me, Officer Krupke? SNOWBOY: Yeah, you! Gimme one good reason for not dragging ya down the station house, ya punk! ACTION: Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke, You gotta understand, It's just our bringing up-ke That get us out of hand. Our mothers all are junkies, Our fathers all are drunks, Golly Moses, natcherly we're punks! ACTION and QUARTET: Gee. Officer Krupke, we're very upset; We never had the love that every child oughta get We ain't no delinquents, We're misunderstood, Deep down inside us there is good! ACTION: There is good! ALL: There is good, there is good, There's an tapped good, Like inside, the worst of us is good. SNOWBOY(imitating Krupke): That's a touchin' good story! ACTION: Lemme tell you to the world! SNOWBOY ("Krupke"): Just tell it to the judge! ACTION(to "Judge"): Dear kindly Judge, your Honor, My parents treat me rough, With all the marijuana, They won't give me a puff. They didn't wanna have me, But somehow I was had. Leapin' lizards, that's why I'm so bad! DIESEL ("Judge"): Officer Krupke, you're really a square; This boy don't need a judge, he needs an analyst's care! It's just his neurosis that oughta be curbed. He's psychologic'ly disturbed! ACTION: I'm disturbed! ALL: We're disturbed. we're disturbed, We're the most disturbed, Like we're psychologic'ly disturbed. DIESEL ("Judge"): In the opinion of this court, this child is depraved on account he ain't had a normal home. ACTION: Hey, I'm depraved on account I'm deprived! DIESEL ("Judge"): So take him to a headshrinker. ACTION (to "Psychiatrist"): My father is a bastard, My ma's an S.O.B. My grandpa's always plastered, My grandma pushes tea, My sister wears a mustache, My brother wears a dress, Goodness gracious, that's why I'm a mess! A-RAB ("psychiatrist"): Yes! Officer Krupke, you're really a slob. This boy don't need a doctor, just a good honest job. Society's played him a terrible trick, "Und" sociogic'ly he's sick! ACTION: I am sick! ALL: We are sick, we are sick, We are sick sick sick, Like we're sociologically sick! A-RAB ("psychiatrist"): In my opinion this child don't need to have his head shrunk at all. Juvenile delinquency is purely a social disease! ACTION: Hey, I got a social disease! A-RAB ("psychiatrist"): So take him to a social worker! ACTION (to "Social Worker"): Dear kindly social worker. They say go earn a buck, Like be a soda jerker, Which means like be a schmuck. It's not I'm anti-social, I'm only anti-work, Glory Osky, that's why I'm a jerk! BABY JONN (imitating female social worker): Eek! Officer Krupke, you've done it again. This boy don't need a job, he needs a year in the pen. It ain't just a question of misunderstood; Deep down inside him, he's no good! ACTION: I'm no good! ALL: We're no good, we're no good, We're no earthly good, Like the best of us is no damn good! DIESEL ("Judge"): The trouble is he's crazy! A-RAB ("Psychiatrist"): The trouble is he drinks! BABY JOHN ("Social Worker"): The trouble is he's lazy! DIESEL ("Judge"): The trouble is he stinks! A-RAB ("Psychiatrist"): The trouble is he's growing! BABY JOHN ("Social Worker"): The trouble is he's grown! ALL: Krupke. we got troubles of our own! Gee, Officer Krupke, We're down on our knees, 'Cause no one wants a fella with a social disease. Gee, Officer Krupke, What are we to do! Gee, Officer Krupke, Krup you! A boy like that/I have a love ANITA (bitterly): A boy like that who'd kill your brother, Forget that boy and find another, One of your own kind! Stick to your own kind! A boy like that will give you sorrow, You'll meet another boy tomorrow, One of your own kind! Stick to your own kind! A boy who kills cannot love, A boy who kills has no heart. And he's the boy who gets your love And gets your heart. Very smart, Maria, very smart! A boy like that wants one thing Only, And when he's done he'll leave you lonely. He'll murder your love; he murdered mine. Just wait and see, Just wait, Maria, Just wait and see! MARIA: Oh, no, Anita, no! Anita, no! It isn't true, not for me. I hear your words And in my head I know they're smart, But my heart knows they're wrong, And my heart is too strong. For I belong to him alone, to him alone. One thing I know: I am his. I don't care what he is. I don't know why it's so, I don't want to know. ANITA: A boy like that who'd kill your brother, Forget that boy and find another, One of your own kind! Stick to your own kind! A boy like that will give you sorrow, You'll meet another boy tomorrow, One of your own kind! Stick to your own kind! A boy who kills cannot love, A boy who kills has no heart. And he's the boy who gets your love And gets your heart. Very smart, Maria, very smart! MARIA: Oh, no, Anita, no! Anita, no! You should know better! You were in love - or so you said You should know better... I have a love, and it's all that I have Right or wrong, what else can I do? I love him; I'm his, And ev'rything he is I am too. I have a love and it is all that I need. Right or wrong, and he needs me too. I love him, we're one, There's nothing to be done. Not a thing I can do, But hold him, Hold him forever, Be with him now tomorrow And all of my life! BOTH: When love comes so strong, There is no right or wrong, Your love is your life! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grace Feinman-Riordan


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