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The Official Minnesota CATS Tour V Website

Welcome one and all to the Official Website for the US National Tour V in Minnesota, who made their Minnesota debut on March 5, 2002, in Minneapolis at the Historic Orpheum Theatre. Here you can find almost any information about the Minnesota show that you want. If you do not see something you want to know, email me, and I will see that it gets up on here.
I saw all 8 shows over a period of 6 days, and I was at the stage door after every show. Perhaps you'd like to know who I am? I am known as Taline to the CATS world, as well as to most of the actors I met. I live in Minneapolis, and I have been a CATS fan since 1998. I have since then seen CATS 13 times live (2 London, 1 Broadway, 1 National Tour IV, 9 National Tour V.)
I hope this webpage becomes a little shrine for the fabulous National Tour V and all the talented people who have spent so much time and energy in this show. Please feel free to look around and to sign my guestbook if you like. And if you went to see the Minneapolis show and you have some things you'd like to add, please send them to me.

Cast Lists for Each Performance

SDQs: Stage Door Quotes

My Photo Album

My Opinion of Each of the Cast Members

My Tribute to the Leaving Swings

Happy Birthday to a Very Special Misto!

Links to Actor Sites and Several Others

CATS Cast Members in Starlight Express Roles *Warning* This is only for fun, out of my insanity. Requires a sense of humor.

*Coming Soon* Trip Report, Green Bay Trip Report, Tour-Inspired Fanfics

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!
