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If for some reason the
buttons are being a
bitch, use these:
Amusing Images
Final Fantasy
Gabriel Knight 1
Gabriel Knight 2
Gabriel Knight 3
Harry Potter
Jekyll & Hyde
List Of Songs
     --The Sign That Chrissy Likes Black, White, and Gray a little too much for website color schemes.  And didn't want to use Anime-stuff to make one.  Therefore, this is one of the crappiest looking sites....
     --And That You Have Never Made Enough Sites (Alright...sorry...)

Amusing Picture Of The Year!

Last Updated: 8/01/03 [Everything]
     I decided, once and for all, to make a truly...almost completely random website.  It's much better that way, don't you think?  Mounds of crap, some of it amusing, some of it boring, get the point.  Whee.  And better yet, i'm keeping this page in a way that everyone can look at it!  Except those without open-minds! Whoo!  *Shrugs as everyone leaves*

     Also, this site is filled with spoilers.  Watch out.

     Insert much amazing dialogue here.