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For some BIZZARRE reason or another, my other updates page was too full....Hmmm.....
ANYWAY, here's wher you can read my lastest updates!

August 25, 2002
Wow, I'm SO bad at updates. But I have AWESOME news:
Chapter four is in progress.
Go read it! So far, I have three of my friends (two of which are NOT CATS fans) reading it and begging for more. What do you guys think of it?

August 17, 2002
Yesterday was the last day of camp for me, but now I'm leaving for Cape Cod today. I'm sorry for the short notice, but I didn't have time to tell you guys sooner. I will be back next Saturday.
Please keep sending in your stuff, I just won't be able to post it until I get back.

August 6, 2002
Changed the cast in 'Confessions'
Check it out!!!!!! PLEASE?!?!?!

August 3, 2002
We're moving!
Yup, I'm getting a little ticked off at Angelfire, so we're moving to a better location.
Our new home should be here sometime this fall:

August 1, 2002
Added some HILARIOUS 'Ways to tell if you're a Mistofe-freak'!

July 31, 2002
Crap...I've been REALLY bad with updates lately. Sorry for the LONG wait guys... ::feels bad:: But here they are:
Added a LOT more art thanks to Demeter Christine! And added a dialouge to Say What?

July 19, 2002
Holy crap it's been a while!
First off, on July 10th, it was my 1st Anniversary with my boyfriend! ::giggles::
Secondly, I'M NOT DEAD!!!!! I'm just working at my camp, so updates will be coming a lot more slowly
Thirdly, Updated trivia
Lastly, DC, I haven't forgotten u, ur artwork IS coming!!!!

July 3, 2002
Oo! Tommorrow is my big 4th of July party! WAHOO!!!
I added Mirahcles' link to the JBGA Links page!
So far, Eclipse said she wants to read 'Confesions', does anyone else?
Well...not really. Put I have put up what little (CRAPPY) art I've done.
Added a few more links were added to the links page

June 28, 2002
Well, I'm putting up what I hope will turn out to be something big. I'm writing a CATS reality fic novel called: Confesions of a Stagehand.
That page can be found on the main page, my fics page and the fan fics page.
Please check it out and take the poll!!!!!
Added a new poll to My Fics Page.
Well, I'm leaving for vacation tommorrow! Just wanted to let everyone know that there will not be any updates for about a week or so.
ttyl when I get back!!!!!!!

June 25, 2002
Added some more piccies of my cossie!!!!!!!!

June 24, 2002
WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am OFFICIALLY out of SCHOOL!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Technically I'm now a Junior! YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joined a new webring today!
I'll have more to come later!!!!

June 17, 2002
OMG how bad am I!!!!!!!
I did a BUNCH of changes (okay only two) and I didn't tell ANYONE!!!!!!!
I'm SOOOOOO Sorry guys. OI!
Put up a NEW question for the trivia and added a Questionare.
If you guys would be nice and fill that out for me..I'd GREATLY appreciate it!!!!!!!!!

June 8, 2002
::cries while singing Pom Circumstances::
It was graduation last night at the High School, and while I still have another two years before I graduate, some of my VERY good friends graduated last night.
I nearly cried while I was singing for them. (The chorus sang for them)
My mother, when she came to pick us up, had tears in her eyes...and I'm not even graduating...dear the heck is she gonna be when I graduate?!?!?!
ANYway...updated the RPG....GO JOIN!!!!!!!!!

June 3, 2002
Trivia FINALLY updated!!!!!!
But now I need ur help! I'm running low on trivia questions. PLEASE send your questions (with answers) in!!!!!

June 2, 2002
Added a deam by Ena. It's a REALLY cool one...well rather THREE dreams...COOL!!!!!!!!
Posted a revised version of A Knight's Tail

May 29, 2002
Awarded Ena with the Hyper Award!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!
Updated Say What
I made an online journal.
Go here to check out my insanity:
***My journal!***

May 28, 2002
***HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***
hehe, yup, your hyper webhostess just had her birthday yesterday!!!!!!
hehe!!!!! Now she is offically 17!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it took me so long to update, I was attending my uncle's wedding over the long weekend!
(Congrats again Marcia and Stuart!!!!!!!!!!)

May 22, 2002
Where the He-- have I BEEN?!!?!?!?!?!?!
I'm REALLY sorry for the long wait....MCAS sucked...BIG TIME!!!!!! It needs to die! (And here I am saying hate needs to go away...) But MCAS is an seriously needs to die!!! ::Cat knocks her over the head reminding her that kids who are about to be scared for life by reading her site are reading this:: Oh...sorry...I'm better.......
Here are the updates: Trivia updated, RPG and Newsletter are going to be moved to Yahoogroups.
***PLEASE e-mail me to re-join both***

May 9, 2002
Yup! Yesterday I FINALLY got my permit! So beware all you drivers...BEWARE!!!!!
I put up a new page: No Hate Page (Original title huh?) This is to show my support for the non-hate CATS sites!
Please check it out and show your support!

May 2, 2002
FINALLY updated the trivia!!!!!!!!!!

April 28, 2002
Hey everyone! Added a new fic dedicated to Timothy Scott. It's a little different than my other TS fic, but it's cool.
The prolouge is based on true events with my Ouija board. (I'm really not 'spiritual' but I still think it's cool!)

April 21, 2002
I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!
NYC was SOOOOOO much fun!!!!! And guess what?!?!?! Our hotel was RIGHT across the street from...
The Winter Garden Theatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Lion King was amazing! Go see it if you get the chance!
A new fic was submitted to me! Go read it!
YAY! I LOVE getting new fics!!!!!!!!!! Keep sending them in!
Updated the Puny Page!!!!!!!!
Updated Trivia!

April 16, 2002
Hey everyone, I'm going away for a few days. We're on our way to New York City to go see The Lion King! Cool! Mom said that while we're there we can look for CATS stuff too! WAHOO! See you guys when I get back!

April 13, 2002
Dreams have been updated! Thank you Libby for submitting a dream!!!!!
Added a new link to the links page.

April 9, 2002
"The Pajama Game is the game I'm in and I'm proud to be in the Pajama Game I love it..." Actually no not can DIE for all I care!!!
LOL JK It's really quite fun. Opening night is tonight! Wish me luck! Oh wait! It's bad luck to say good luck on opening night...Oo! That's from The Producers! are the updates:
Updated Trivia, Say What and RPG!
YAY!!!! Someone else joined my RPG!!!!!!!!!!!

April 6, 2002
A new fic submitted! It's the first of a series of stories in the Moonshine Series. GO READ!!!!!!

April 2, 2002
Susie won TWO awards!!!!!!!
She has won the Hyper Award and the Kitten Award ::round of applause!::

March 30, 2002
DANG!!!! Where the heck have I been??!?!?!?! ::looks at her schedule which is jam packed with stuff:: Oh, right.
Yeah, sorry about the wait, I've been REAL busy lately. My school's musical is in about a week (we're SO not ready for it either!!!) so I won't be around much.
Eclipse was kind enough to give me a fic by her. It's one of her first so PLEASE be kind and read it. Her e-mail addy is there so ya'll can review her work. (NO BASHES!!!!)
I also made a separate page for all my fics becasue I write WAY too many of them. I added my lasted 'Reality Fic'. It needs a better title...Okay that's all from me...for now.

March 17, 2002
Updated Trivia!

March 15, 2002
Class rings today! WAHOO!!!
Sorry, had to mention that my class's rings came in today and they're SO COOL!!!!!
I made a new site...AGAIN!
You may be surprised...but for once it has nothing to be with Jacob Brent!!!! ::gasps are heard::
Yup, this time, it's for McCree O'Kelley, the Mistoffelees I saw on tour!
Check it out here:

March 11, 2002
Updated Trivia! Congrats to Eclipse and Phantom Eric on the Trivia award! And MANY thanks to MistoJen for submitting a Trivia question!
Please, PLEASE send in your questions...I'm running low....THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Added a new poll to the Fan Fics page
Added a site map

March 9, 2002
::coughs:: Ugh..I hate being sick...fortunetly my stupid cold is almost gone!
Thanks SO much to Bombalurina Aerin for sending in Part 4 of A Knight's Tail.

March 7, 2002
Added a few pictures to The Puny Page!

March 6, 2002
Triskell gave me an award!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

March 3, 2002
Changed the trivia, congrats to Triskell who got it right!

Feb 26, 2002
Added a new fic about Misto and Lec. Kinda dark....

Feb 25, 2002
Talk about hard work and dedication! Triskel was SO incredibly kind enough to answer practically every question on the Points to Ponder Page! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! If you have a question posted there, check it out, chances are Triskel answered it!!!!!!

Feb 24, 2002
ADDED COSTUME PICS!!!!!!!! Okay, maybe they're not the GREATEST pics in the world...but that's okay! They'll do for now.

Feb 23, 2002
Just got back from a few days of skiing up in NH. Sorry for the the delay of updates and stuff. Nothing new now.

Feb 18, 2002
Added a page for the touring cast of CATS. Found under Misc and on the trip page.
Updated Say What? Add your own funny dialouges, PLEASE!!!!!

Feb. 17, 2002
Added a few new links to the links page

Feb. 16, 2002
Vacation at last!
FINALLY, Febuary vacation has come! WAHOO!
I'll be up in NH for a few days this week. But PLEASE send in your stuff!!!
WAHOO!!!!!!!!! A new fic has been posted!!!!!!!
Give a BIG hand to Bombalurina Aerin for writing an AWESOME fic!
GO READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb. 15, 2002
OMG CATS was INCREDIBLE! It was amazing! Read about my trip to CATS on the main page!

Past Updates

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