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The Puny Page

Meet: The Puny Freshman!

Even though I am soon to be a sophmore in HS next year, I think the Puny Freshman should live on!!!

Now alot of you are wondering: Why the heck am I reading this POINTLESS page narrated by a pshyco?
Truth is...I don't know why...but I can tell you why they call me a Puny Freshman...

It all started MANY years ago when an annoying sophmore took it upon herself to start a new school tradition. (Even though that wasn't her intention...) The one freshman she picked she named: The Puny Freshman.
When the freshman grew up to be a sophmore, another freshman entered the school. That sophmore who was the Puny Freshman gave her the title The Puny Freshman in a hearwarming cermony: over the phone. ::LOL::
And so next year I'll have to pick a random freshman to be the Puny freshman and continue the tradition!

Misteazer's random info:

I have MANY nicknames, here are just a few and their meaning behind them:


Okay, I was OBSESSED with Les Miserables for the LONGEST time. I still love it, but I have CATS on the brain all the time now...heh heh...
So, I came up with the idea to number all the fans of Les Miserables.
So I am #1 Les Mis (Miserables) Freak, my friend Faline (DF) is #2 LMF and my other friend Scratches is #2.5 LMF (she doesn't know all the lyrics yet...


In the 7th grade we were doing a lil' play and my character's name was Roxie Johnson. While we were in school, my friends who were in the play with me, went around the school and we called each other by our character's names and I just kind od stuck...still to this day!


Okay this is a long story...
While I was in chorus in the eight grade, we were singing a patriotic song of some sort...sad I can't remember the name...anyway, me and my lil' friend started dancing around in place!
We started to call ourselves dancing buddies.
I was walking down the hallway when I saw my dancing buddy.
" Hey Dancin' buddy!" I called out and she calls out the same thing.
My other friend comes up to me and goes: " Oh...I thought you guys said Dancing Bunnies! Now I get it!" We all laughed. We started joking around with it and came to the conclusion that Dancong bunnies should stay! So I named her Fluffy and I'm Cottontail!


I can thank Scratches for this one! LOL
Yet another LONG story, Scratches has this long life nickname that would grandma...I don't know why...but it is!
Anyway, we were SO bored after a school concert, we pretended to have invisible walkers, talked in a wierd accent and said we we the " Ol' Ladies from de Ol' Country!" So now I'm Edna, and she's Ethel!

Misteazer and Misto-fe-freak

Just a LITTLE obvious I think!

I'm involved with the drama club quite a bit, I'm still in chorus...YEAH ALTOIDS!!!! lol
I'm also a horseback rider in Millis, Ma. (Link on LINKS page)
I've also designed two other pages to benefit my school. One is an all girl forum group called Moxie.
The other one is for my health teacher for our town's health coucil.
Cool huh?

Okay...that's all for now!

OH! Did I mention I LOVE JACOB BRENT!!!!!!

(Fond these here)

The sweetest guy on the face of the earth has made me the happiest girl in the world!
Kyle, I can't tell you how touched I am that you want me for your girlfriend!

My Favorites

Me perfectly!!!


(Fond these at Sunsheria's Centre of Operation. Found on links page)

(Friends Forever...Misteazer and Faline (DF)!)

On my NYC trip in April of 2002, Mom and I saw The Lion King on Broadway...but not until after we stopped and got a WHOLE LOTA CATS stuff!
Here is just some of the stuff that we got:

The CATS hat!

A REALLY cool postcard with a print of the Winter Garden Theatre when CATS was playing.

Other Merchandise we got: (not pictured)
Magnet (CATS logo)
WTC and American Flag Magnet
Broadway Pen
'I love (heart) New York...more than ever' pen (CLICKY PEN!!! LOL)
'I love (heart) New York' t-shrit

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