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This is for all the victims' friends and families. It is a page which will hopefully raise their hopes in the search for their loved ones, or help them move on from a horrible loss.

Dedicated to the Friends and Families of the Victims of the horrible attack on Sept 11, 2001

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Okay, since I'm no longer on AOL, the site is not up. I apologize for the inconvience.

Here is a poem that my boyfriend wrote:

Twin Towers
They stood not to long ago,
Their anttenae swaying to and fro.
But we will not hear from them no more.
We will hear from them no more.

Nine forty-five, chaos spreads.
As we watch on t.v., and stare at lifeless heads.
But we will not hear from them no more.
We will hear from them no more.

The people ran from clouds that kill,
These innocents, their blood did spill.
But we will not hear from them no more.
We will hear from them no more.

All that's left are the ashes,
What we hear are but bits and snatches.
But we will not hear from them no more.
We will hear from them no more.

But who's to blame? Who did this?
Their loved ones goodbye, they could not kiss.But we will not hear from them no more.
We will hear from them no more.

Here is a poem that Mistometer wrote:

I cry for those who are mourned
I cry for those who have mourned
I cry for those who are missing
I cry for those who have missed

I cry for those who are dead
I cry for those who wish they were dead

I cry for those who have cried
I cry for those who can't cry

I cry for those without fathers
I cry for those without mothers
I cry for those without children
I cry for those without wives
I cry for those without husbands

I cry for those who have lost their familys
I cry for those who have lost their friends

I cry for those among the rubble who aren't found
I cry for those among the rubble who will not be found

I cry for those who have no place to go
I cry for our men and boys, who may face war
I cry for our nation, who has seen too many a death
I cry for OUR America, Land of the free, Home of the dead

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