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The nuns at Nonberg Abbey in Austria can't find the postulant Maria Ranier anywhere. She is always breaking rules, including singing in the convent, which she claims she just can't stop doing. When she is finally found singing up in the hills, the Mother Abess decides she should leave the Abbey for a while. Maria is sent to the house of the widower Captain vonTrapp, who needs a governess for his seven children, Liesl, Fredrick, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta and Gretl. Maria reluctantly leaves the convent.

Turns out Captain vonTrapp has had trouble keeping governesses because the children keep playing tricks on them. However, after she comforts the children during a thunderstorm, the children grow to like her. Even Liesl, who claimed that she didn't need a governess, becomes Maria's friend after being loaned a dry nightgown so no one would find out she was dancing in the rain with her boyfriend. the reason Liesl wanted the meeting kept secret is because Captain Georg is very strict, never allowing the children to even play.

Baroness Elsa, Georg's fiancee, as well as Max Detwieler are visiting the vonTrapps. Maria teaches the children a song to sing, much to the delight of Elsa, but the dismay of Georg. Later, when Georg throws a party for Elsa, the children sing for the guests. This time, Georg enjoys it. Soon, Elsa tells the young Frauline that Georg is in love with her. Maria feels that she should leave because he is engaged to Elsa, and it is wrong of him to love herself as well. The childrenare heartbroken when she secretly changes into her old clothes and returns to the convent. Actually, Maria loves Georg as well, and Mother Abbess convinces her to return to him.

Elsa leaves, and Georg and Maria marry. Their happiness is cut short, however, when Georg is summoned to fight along with the Nazis. Georg and his family attempt to escape. but Max, having heard the children sing, entered them in a singing festival. To avoid suspision, Georg, his wife Maria and the hildren all sing in the concert. When it is announced that they won, the vonTrapps are nowhere to be found.

In the Abbey, Mother Abbess hides the family up on the roof. The Nazis pour through the convent searching for them, but only Rolf, Liesl's ex-boyfriend finds them hiding up there. He lets them go seeing that Liesl is with them. The vonTrapps climb up the beautiful Austrian mountains and escape.

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