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Two Households...

In the name of an ancient hatred, the Capulet and Montague families, hereditary enemies, disturb the peace of Verona.

His patience at an end, Prince Escalus issues a formal declaration outlawing fighting in the city, under penalty of death.

While the two mothers denounce the violence of the men of the two clans, the young Romeo and Juliet (Juliette/Julia), children of the two rivals, each dream of a great love...

...A great party is organized at the Capulet's house to allow Juliet to meet Count Paris, who has asked for her hand.

Romeo and his friends Mercutio and Benvolio decide to attend the party in disguise. Romeo meets Juliet...

The fireworks are immediate, but Tybalt, Juliets cousin, who recognizes Romeo and wants to challenge him, interrupts the sweetness of love. He is stopped by Capulet.

Before leaving, Romeo and Juliet learn of each other's identities, and are stunned to discover they have each fallen in love with their worst enemy.

Romeo, who cannot bring himself to leave Juliet, hides himself in the Capulet garden and approaches Juliet's balcony, where she is confiding her feelings for him. He quickly does the same, and they passionately exchange their vows of love.

In the early morning, after an ultimate oath, they part, and Romeo runs to Friar Lawrence, to beg him to arrange their marriage. In the hope that this union would reconcile the dueling families, the friar agrees.

That morning, Romeo runs into his friends Mercutio and Benvolio who tease him about his disappearance the night before and comment on Tybalt's challenge.

Juliet's nurse arrives. Romeo tells her that Friar Lawrence has agreed to marry them that afternoon. Delighted, the nurse leaves to tell Juliet, who is carried by happiness to Father Lawrence, where she and Romeo are sealed by their love in marriage.


Benvolio tries to convince Mercutio not to go into Verona, for fear of a fight with the Capulets.

Tybalt arrives, looking for Romeo, who, in his happiness and "fraternal" affection, refuses to fight. Indignant, Mercutio takes up the challenge. Romeo tries to intervene, but Mercutio is fatally wounded by Tybalt in the fight that ensues.

Mercutio dies. Romeo, mad with fury, catches up with Tybalt and kills him.

Both families claim revenge from Prince Escalus, who, trying to be just, saves Romeo's life, condemning him to exile in Mantua.

It is in her room, where she is waiting for her husband, that Juliet learns the terrible news. Torn between her familial affection for Tybalt and her love for her husband, Juliet mourns while her nurse goes in search of Romeo.

Having taken refuge with Friar Lawrence, Romeo is in despair, considering exile worse than death. The arrival of the nurse gives him hope, and he goes to Juliet. After spending the night together, Romeo and Juliet must part.

Juliet's father, worried about the sorrow of his daughter, speeds up her marriage to Count Paris, and bids his wife tell Juliet of the change.

Thrown into a panic, Juliet seeks help from Friar Lawrence, who, very moved by her distress, proposes an extreme solution: she will take a "poison" which will give her the appearance of death, until, in the Capulet tomb, Romeo comes to wake her.

Full of hope, Juliet returns home and swallow the "poison".

In Mantua, Romeo learns of Juliet's death. He decides to buy poison for himself and die beside his love. Having reached the tomb, he says goodbye to Juliet, and takes the poison.

Friar Lawrence, learning that his message which was to have informed Romeo that Juliet was not really dead never reached him, goes to the tomb to wake Juliet.

Horrified to discover Romeo dead, Friar Lawrence tries to convince Juliet to leave the vault. But seeing the body of the one she loves, she refuses to leave, and declaring her love, joins him for eternity.

Overcome with sadness on the death of their children, the enemy families reconcile and bury their two children together.
