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The Egyptian wing of a modern museum, where a man and a woman touring the exhibit catch each other's eyes. Amneris, a female Pharaoh, comes to life (Every Story Is A Love Story) and transports us to ancient Egypt, where Radames, the Captain of the Egyptian army, is returning from an expedition through the land of Nubia, Egypt's long-time enemy (Fortune Favours The Brave). When his soldiers capture a group of Nubian women, he finds himself captivated by the fierce and majestic Aida (The Past Is Another Land). Brought to Egypt as a slave, Aida is saved from certain death in the copper mines by Radames, who sends her as a handmaiden to Princess Amneris, his betrothed. Radames's father, Prime Minister Zoser, greets his son with news that the Pharaoh is dying and Radames must prepare to become the next ruler of Egypt (Another Pyramid).

Radames's Nubian servant, Mereb, is a young man who has learned the tricks of survival in Egypt. Delivering Aida to the palace, he recognises her as the daughter of the Nubian King (How I Know You). She commands him to keep her identity secret, lest the Egyptians kill her. Presented to Amneris, Aida perceives that the Princess's love of fashion (My Strongest Suit) only serves as a mask to her insecurities. At a banquet, the Pharaoh announces that Radames will wed in seven days, leaving the Captain distraught that his days as an explorer have ended. Together, he and Aida share their dreams and regrets (Enchantment Passing Through).

Later that night, Amneris worries about her father's illness, and finds in Aida someone who understands and encourages her (My Strongest Suit (reprise) ). Bursting into his fiancee's chamber, Radames steals a moment with Aida to share his growing attraction to her.

Taken by Mereb to the Nubian camp, Aida submits to her people's pleas to lead them (Dance Of The Robe). When she implores Radames to help the Nubians, he opens his heart by giving his possessions to them (Not Me) and declaring his love (Elaborate Lives). Unable to fight her feelings any longer, Aida falls into his embrace.

Their bliss is interrupted by news that Radames's armies have captured Amonasro, the King of Nubia and Aida's father. Unable to comfort her, Radames leaves Aida in distress. Rallying her dispirited people, Aida assures them that Nubia will never die (The Gods Love Nubia) to end Act I.

Act II begins with Aida, Amneris and Radames finding themselves entangled in conflicting loyalties and emotions (A Step Too Far).

Aida and Mereb bribe their way into Amonasro's prison cell, where she is reunited with her father. Mereb hatches a plan to escape with the King during the commotion of Amneris's wedding. To save her father and nation, Aida must betray the man she loves (Easy As Life).

Zoser discovers Radames's affair and warns his son that it could cost him the throne, but Radames no longer shares his father's ambitions (Like Father, Like Son). Zoser orders his men to find Aida and kill her.

At the Nubian camp, Aida receives an apology from Radames (Radames's Letter) for the thoughtless way he acted upon hearing of Amonasro's capture. When Egyptian soldiers arrive seeking Aida, Nehebka sacrifices herself so her Princess can live. Now even more determined to leave Radames forever, Aida goes to say goodbye to him over Mereb's objections (How I Know You (reprise) ).

Radames informs Aida that he's calling off the wedding. She knows this would ruin her father's escape, and tells him that he must go through with it (Written In The Stars). Radames agrees, on condition that she escape to freedom on a boat that he will provide. The heartbroken lovers part, but Amneris has overheard their entire conversation and faces the fact that her upcoming marriage is a sham (I Know The Truth).

News of Amonasro's escape disrupts Amneris's wedding. Radames learns the truth of Aida's identity when he arrives at the docks just as she is about to board his boat with her father. In the chaos, Zoser slays Mereb and Radames makes possible Amonasro's escape. Then he and Aida are arrested for treason.

At the ensuing trial, the Pharaoh sentences both Aida and Radames to be buried alive. Amneris rises to her role as future Pharaoh by convincing her father to let the lovers die in the same tomb, an act of mercy for two people she has come to love. Facing death, Aida looks to Radames for strength (Elaborate Lives (reprise) ). As they are slowly deprived of light and air (Enchantment Passing Through (reprise) ), Radames swears that he will search for a hundred lifetimes to find her again.

Back in the contemporary museum, the spirit of Amneris watches (Every Story Is A Love Story (reprise) ) as the modern man and woman are strangely drawn to one another. They are the reincarnations of Aida and Radames, finding in each other a new beginning. (written by David Henry Hwang)
