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"I'm not finished."
delphine. californian. weird. artistic. lazy. fangirl. proud of it. enjolras. saint-just. orlando bloom. lord of the rings. les miserables. fanfic: humour, angst- you call it.

"Because you asked me to."
currently: 2:44 P. M.
feeling: weddingish. grr
listening: coldplay
- "the scientist"
watching: the food network
reading: stupid mathbook
lusting: james d'arcy *drool*
quoting: "Damn those TV programs. Damn them all to hell."
- Peg (the Avon Lady and her husband, Edward Scissorhands

"I thought it was shish kabob?"
07.09.03 - PoTC (UK)
08.21.03 - Johnny on Jay Leno
08.26.03 - TTT on DVD
09.27.03 - My Birthday 09.12.03 - OUATIM
12.02.03 - PoTC on DVD
12.17.03 - RoTK
05.14.04 - Troy

ATTENTION: I know I never update this page, and that's because I'm a lazy bum. But please, my dear, don't let that convince you that I never update my site. I actually update it all the time (like, every day or two), just not this page. Don't be discouraged, my good fellow, for I am persuaded that you understand me clearly now. I just don't much care for blogs. I update them every, like, three months. Yes, I AM that skilled. I may give this blog over to Olivier, my Feuilly, because he's been whining lately about not having enough paper in his journal. Sound good? I hope so.

February 15, 2004

Go here for piles and piles of hilarity. It's a drabble generator, and way too cool for its own good.

A Chicken in Time
On a svelte and lithe morning, Enjolras sat on his bed. It was Valentine's Day and he was all alone. His lips ached in sorrow for the secret love that he could never share. How could he expect Thenardier to love someone with a drunken fingers? Seductively, he began to recite a poem he had composed. "Ah, my love is like a gleaming dangerous rouge, all on a summer's day. I wish my Thenardier would jump me, in his own lissome way..." "Do you?" Thenardier sat down beside Enjolras and put his hand on Enjolras's chest. "I think that could be arranged." Enjolras gasped hoarsly. "But what about my drunken fingers?" "I like it," Thenardier said powerfully. "I think it's lustful." They came together and their kiss was like the angel of war which he so strongly resembled. "I love you," Enjolras said lightly. "I love you too," Thenardier replied and jumped him. They bought a wild boar, moved in together, and lived alternately ever after.

December 22, 2003

I have officially converted Maddy to LesMiz-worshipping. Another LesMizfit! Bwahahahaha! She even made a Cafe Musain gingerbread house. I was planning on making an Enj, 'Ferre, and Courfey gingerbread man, and I'm forcing my mom to go get the ingredients today at Safeway. Safeway would have the ingredients, wouldn't it? It better, or there's gonna be one angry girl ready to, well, I'll stop there: but Safeway- you've been warned.*points finger Uncle-Sam style*

In other news, I got this awesome Kleenex box. It has a covering over it, and the covering is shaped like a cow. It has a head and everything, although not utters (battery not included). Also, I got this insane up-do that took two showers to wash out. Seriously, there was so much hairspray, I practically choked on it. Then there were the bobby-pins (pin count: 37). It was DISGUSTING! Maxie was my only comfort. *grabs Maxie (her dearest Maximillion Robespierre), who's franticlly trying to latch onto Louis (a.k.a. Saint-Just), who's standing in the corner, laughing his head off* *after several minutes of brutal struggling, she manages to cradle Maxie in her arms like a baby, a HUGE needle sticking out of his arm (you idiot- it means he's been sedated, DUH)*

December 15, 2003

"Liberte, Egalite, et Fraternite..."

You know what, my dad has owned 1774 for decades now and has yet to read it! Not only that, but he thought it was called "1874". Hullo! Even I could tell it was "1774"! I was very mad! So mad, in fact, that I made him start reading it aloud for me, and he had to translate it (it was in French). He thought the word "redoubtable" means "scary." Please! No! It means "formidable"! Guess some people can handle it an others just can't.

More about Hugo: I got a hard-cover Wilbour today. I was gonna give it to Mr. D., but decided against it. Then I though, "Hey, I'll give it to Sara," but I trashed that idea too. I decided that it'll be mine forever and ever. More Enjolras for me! YAY! YAY! DOUBLE-YAY! I got more reviews! LP is, like, the nicest person on earth. I love her eternally. Yes, eternally. Just like Enjolras.

December 15, 2003

Fanfiction Pairings:

One True Pairing Ship: Enjolras/Combeferre.
Canon Ship: Marius/Cosette. *gag*
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" 'Ship: Valjean/Enjolras. So I've never even heard of one of these before, but I'll tell you right now: I'm glad I haven't.
"You are one sick bastard" 'Ship: Enjolras/Javert.
"I dabble a little" 'Ship: Courfeyrac/Combeferre. Yup. They're quite the couple.
"It's like a car crash" 'Ship: Enjolras/Montparnasse.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" 'Ship: Enjolras/Jehan.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" 'Ship: Theodule/Enjolras. I'd try it if one came about. Not that that'll be happening anytime soon.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" 'Ship: Marius/Eponine
"When all is said and done" 'Ship: Joly/Bossuet.

December 15, 2003

Words of the Day:
-cloat: a cross between a cloak and a coat
-philosophisizing: to philoso-philoso- to- YOU GET THE POINT!
-examinate: to examine

Maddy, being the inspiring person that she is, got me to FINALLY change my account name to something that doesn't actually suck. What a progression its been! Started out as Delphine (which I liked, but was just too plain), then went to Tyala (which I hated in the first place- +g+ [it was junky, okay?]), and now it's, drumroll please, FORSETI! Forseti is the great Norse god of Justice, and I figured, who loves justice more than me? ... Okay, so maybe there are a couple people -hinthint: blonde revolutionary leaders in little red cloats... Forseti was actually a guy, but I liked it anyway so there! *sticks tongue out*

(Calling out): Enjy-dearest, look what I can do! I can almost touch my nose with my tongue! Isn't it remarkable? Too bad I have R genes, so I will truly never be able to touch no matter how hard I try, but anyways... hey, wait, are you even looking!?!

Enjolras: That's... umh... lovely? *shudder*

December 13, 2003

Funny thing, really, that out of all of Anne Rice's vampires, I just had to get Gabrielle. God, she and Nicci bug the #@*% out of me. They both have serious issues that need to be resolved. Could practically strangle the both of them, I could. Oh, yes, yes I could! ...Anyways...

Charming boy, he is, that Saint-Just. I think shall marry him as well. Perhaps he can be one of my man-slaves in my castle in France. I would keep him in Dianaville, which Ms. Jensen helped create, but he wouldn't understand the language, it being smack-dab in the middle of America. Too bad: I don't understand french.

That said, I would like to congratulate Maddy on her little fanficerooney. I was so pleased that I screamed in a high-pitched, girly-girl scream at least once in each paragraph. It inspired my to finish and post Chapter 4 of La Maladie, which I'm hating at the moment. There is an email in my email box right now, which is probably a review, and I'm too afraid to read it. I'll read it eventually, but not now. Too scared.

December 09, 2003

Maddy and I created a band for my wedding Here's the list of members:

Madeline: Oboe/Conductor
Delphine: Piano/Choral Director
Enjolras: Piano/Vocals
Combeferre: Violin
Jehan: Flute
Feuilly: Cello
Grantaire: Trumpet
Courfeyrac: Clarinet
Bahorel: Tuba
Bossuet: Trombone
Jolllly: Harp
Marius: Viola
Jean Valjean: Bass

As you can probably see, Enjolras will be doing both the piano and the vocals. I'm pretty sure he only sings tenor or baritone, but we'll see about that. By the end of the week he may be quite the soprano (thanks to my skillerful directing). I don't care if refuses to learn, he's gonna. I need a soprano singer at my wedding. I have also decided that Combeferre will be the best man, for obvious reasons, and I originally wanted a dance team (but that is too fancy). Maddy's gonna be a bridesmaid.

One of the tricky things about my wedding is that we are going to get married on the barricade set from the musical. This means we'll have to steal it. Of course, when I get caught, I'll be put in jail. This is were my plan comes in action. I'm going to make Enj sing and play the piano at other weddings until he can pay the bail. See, aren't I smart?

Moving on, I am now officially the puppet queen of the New Order. Tomorrow I shall appeal to the Lordess so I can be one of the head advisors. I need to have power once the world domination starts. Check the Lordess's website (a.k.a. Sara's website) to learn more. But remember, stay quiet, we can't let the government know. Then they'll have time to prepare. Doom! DOOM, I SAY!

I took this M&C quiz and, well, you have to see it to believe it:
Are you a lubber? You scored 9 out of a possible 10 Flying colours: Sir, England expects every man will do his duty, but you have done all this and more. I am recommending that you be appointed to your own command with all the haste that is practicable. As you were.
YAY! I did fantaboulous -although I cheated so bad! And I will only be captain if Tommy (a.k.a. Thomas Pullings a.k.a. James D'Arcy the 1st) gets to be my husband-captain-guy. And he better not get drunk again, 'cause that is only funny the first time. (I'm talking about Tommy not James, okay? James is far too nerdy-intellectual-cool to get drunk like that. Yup.) Darn that Tommy. *sulks*

December 08, 2003

I haven't updated in AGES! OMG, it's been forever! So much to say, so little webspace! Hmmph! Oh, well... anyways, there is something I just have to say. One word: CORKY! ... CORKY! CORKY! CORKY! CORKY! CORKY! Is that not the most awesome-puzzasomest name of all times? It's the nickname of Ettienne because some people *coughcough* Maddy *cough* cannot remember the christian name of Combeferre (or as my mum says, Crombefrerre, - dear god-). Yah, anyways, Corky rocks the house, and I want both him and Walter on the Polly and Patty show for a special edition. Yup. Special. Edition. (Can't you just see it now?)

Guess what? What? Chickenbutt!!! Guess what? What? Chickenbutt!!! Guess what? What? James D'Arcy and I got married on Sunday!!!!!!! YAY! There's this site call LiveWed, and it virtually marries you to anyone you'd like, so I married that ever-FINE Jamesy. *sigh* He's just so pretty. *goes off into dreamworld, and returns ten minutes later with a HUGE droplet of drool streaming down her face* Yah, sorry, that happens sometimes. Anyways, well... CORKY!

September 3, 2003 2003

Aah! I haven't updated in ages! Preparing for school and such sure can take it out of a girl. School supplies, waking up early, new teacher- not exactly the most fun thing, right? Oh well, I do still have fun; I've been prepared for Talk Like a Pirate Day. Yarr, me hearties, let's see what crawled out of the bilge 'ole! Yo ho ho and a bottle of grog! Impressive, isn't it? If you want to celebrate too (I mean, it IS an official international holiday), it's the 19th of this month. Anyways, I've also been working on my British slang. Please don't laugh: I was all over the shop this morning looking for my belt. I finally found it right under my nose! That got me real eggy (I was totally aggro), but since my outfit was the business I was pretty pleased. Oh yeah! I rock!
In honour of me mates Mad Ethel Kidd (aka Captain Katie), Dread Pirate Rackham (aka Barbaric Bri) and Captain Jenny Flint (aka Jaunty Jules), I have one final thing to say: "BALOOMPA!

August 27, 2003

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost

I took the road not taken, and dared to go there. What was that road in my life, you might ask? That would be me going preppy (or preppier, I might say) than anyone should. I have a feeling that my friends won't be to proud; but, you see, that's not the thing. It's not about them, it's about me this time around! Mwahahahaha! Die, everyone, DIE!

Okay, back to earth. Anyways, got my hair streaked today. Orginally, my hair was a dark brown with natural lighter highlights. But now it has these huge golden stripes in it. It's very (at least I think) very, VERY cool. A new, edgy look for the start of fall. (Keep in mind this is the preppier Les Miserables obsessor speaking. Don't always trust her judgement.)

August 26, 2003

This whole "Pirates" thing has got me totally into Johnny. I've started renting all of his movies. And if I had any cash left, I would buy all of them. Hotdiggity-dog (sorry, always wanted to say that), he's such a talented actor. All you have to do is sit and watch Edward Scissorhands or What's Eating Gilbert Grape. *swoon* Ed Wood is just too funny. I loved Matin Landau (won an Oscar for his portrayal of Bela Lugosi), Bill Murray (a laugh a minute), and Johnny (god, he can even look hot in drag)! I forced my sis Amy into watching Benny and Joon with me, and ever since all she wants to do is make mashed potatoes with tennis rackets and grilled cheese sandwiches with an iron. I also made her watch Sleepy Hollow with me, and now we've become totally hooked to that movie. "Did you move the body?" Any movie Johnny passes out in (especially when the count is 5) is a good movie! I also saw Chocolat, very cute and romantic (loved the Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow scene). I have to see more. Next up on my list: Don Juan DeMarco, From Hell.

August 25, 2003

"It's mine, my preciousss..." And it will be mine, that is The Two Towers dvd will be mine in November. Sure, yah, it actually comes out tomorrow (and I'm renting first thing in the morning) but I can't afford it. Yup, I'm desperateley poor. *tear* But I am strong. I am invincible. I am woman! RAWR!

So, that's the deal. No feeling of the pride and happiness of owning one of the greatest movies of our time. Not today. But when the Extended version comes out, OH, glory will be MINE! More fun, more action, and more hothothot Orlando. *sigh, swoon*

August 21, 2003

Oh yeah. Wooh hoo. I'm gonna see "Pirates of the Caribbean." Again. For the seventh time. Yup. I know. I'm obsessed (so what's it to ya, punk?).

I just love this movie! I mean, it has a fun plot, and even if it's plot totally sucked, DUDE, it's starring ORLANDO BLOOM AND JOHNNY DEPP! It's, like, the two hottest actors ever on one screen together! OH MY GAWD! I CAN BARELY BREATHE! *starts hyperventilating and screaming nonsense at the top of her lungs like some valleygirl which she ever-so is*

-5 minutes later- Okay, sorry, I'm back to earth now. Deep breaths. In... and out... In... and out... K, just like to let you know I have a life. Just got back from a cutsy little mining town called Murphy's and tomorrow I'm heading up to Napa. See: told'ya I had a life. See!?! See!?! *sticks tongue out then prances off singing pirates songs* Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me! We pillage, we plunder...

August 21, 2003

I finally worked up enough courage to watch this movie. I had seen the previews and I knew the story and was far too petrified to rent it. The blood! The gore! The horror! Gah! What a ninny I am.

So, I actually sat down and watched it (with my little sister for saftey and support) and... it was great! I wasn't scared at all. I think all the episodes of CSI have inured me. I think it also helped that Tim Burton and the screenwriters had interlaced the film with some humour. For me, this film was less of a horror/thriller than a dark comedy. More like a REALLY dark comedy. Mwahahaha.

Another one of the great things about this film is the fact that it's starring Johnny Depp, and that he is SO hot- oops, I mean TALENTED. Yes, that's it, TALENTED. I loved the dark hair, uber-pale skin and the black clothes. Ooh, and the breeches! The frock coat! The boots! I have found that I'm a sucker for these period costumes. *goes off, ranting and raving about Johnny Depp and how immensely superior he is in the looks department except for Orlando Bloom*

... Alright, alright, I'm back now. Anyways, I have to say the way Constable Ichabod Crane was portrayed was amazing. Very few actors would have the courage to play a character as a manly-man wannabe, but really a girly, childish sissy. The rest of the actors were lovely, and Christina Ricci was especially enchanting.

Just listen to me! I'm turning into a bloody movie critic! God.

Continuing on, if I ever manage to get some money, it is one movie I'm buying. Well, along with
1. Benny and Joon
2. Edward Scissorhands
3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
4. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
5. Ed Wood
6. Too many more to think of, so trust me there's more.

Bring Me Home