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last updated february 15, 2004

Karl's Pics Page....Welcome!!
Karl's Pics


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2/15: hey's been awhile since i've updated...sorry about that...well, i finally had time to put up some pics that i had from winter break (laura's sleepover and my last day in hawaii before heading back to uw)...haha, that was a long time ago, but oh well...enjoy!
12/23: howdy!...well, my other account was disabled, so i can't post pics the normal way right now..instead, i'm putting the pictures on imagestation and making albums...hopefully this will just be temporary...also, the pictures from 12/18 aren't working right now, but i'll try to get them up always, enjoy!
12/24: hey y'all....well, i posted pics from the other day when we made cupcakes...once again, i put the pics in an album on imagestation...hope ya like em!
12/23: howdy!...well, my other account was disabled, so i can't post pics the normal way right now..instead, i'm putting the pictures on imagestation and making albums...hopefully this will just be temporary...also, the pictures from 12/18 aren't working right now, but i'll try to get them up always, enjoy!
12/22: hey peoples...well, i have a lot of new pictures on the way, but for now, i put up the pics from amy's surprise party at ice palace...enjoy!
12/18: hey again everyone! i'm back in hawaii! now it's time for a picture update...well, here are the pics from today...the pics from ala moana beach came out nice...hope y'all enjoy, and see ya later!
10/8: hello all! i put up links to my online albums so that you can look at them whenever....i don't know if you guys have seen the washington/oregon pics yet, but if you didn't, you can click on the link below....well, that's the only update...bye! 10/3: hey guys! i'm back with more pics....first of all, thank you again for the was so are the pics from that day....also, i put up a pic of me and amy at the airport and a couple pics from washington...hehe, they're pics of me eating krispy kreme! well, hope you enjoy!
9/19: hi everyone...i had a fun time hanging out with you guys and visiting UH...hope you enjoy these pics!
9/13: hey all! here are some pics from tonight at spaghetti factory and at the daiei parking lot....sorry there isn't much variety (there're a lot of pics with me, jill, and amy in em)...well anyways, hope you guys enjoy the pics!
9/5: Hey again! Just thought I'd give this page a new pics though....I like the purpleness of it.....well that's it for now...
9/1: Hey all! I updated yet again, but no new pics except for the one above that i'm taking with me to seattle...i just took away all the thumbnails because it was a hassle making now there are just normal links....
8/31: Hi again! I just posted pics from last night at Fun Factory and further down, you'll see a few pics from Laura's Chuck E. Cheese surprise party...even further down there's one pic of me, jo, jill, and amy at zippy's.....enjoy!

January 3, 2004
| joanna with mickey and jenny with minnie | | amy the pooh..hehe |
| amy and tiggers | | group posing w/the reindeer | | joanna and minnie | | laura and grumpy |

DECEMBER 28, 2003
| amy close up | | amy and jenny | | dave and the finger couple |
| jenny and jillian | | jillian and laura | | jenny, jillian, laura | | kitty on the bed |
| kitty closeup | | kokohead | | laura close up | | lounging around | | more lounging |

DECEMBER 22, 2003

DECEMBER 20, 2003

DECEMBER 19, 2003

DECEMBER 18, 2003

| ala moana beach | | ala moana beach (#2) | | jill and jo |
| travis, eric, dane, laura | | amy close up | | jo, karl, jill | | amy and laura |
| laura, amy, jill | | gals group pic (really nice) | | jill's doggy bag | | group (minus amy & karl) |
| contemplative amy | | laura and her hat | | amy and laura leaning | | amy and karl |
| amy piggybacking jo | | jill piggybacking laura | | group at viet cafe | amy | | dane | | jo | | jill |
| jill, jo, amy on the couch | | jo, amy, dave, mother dave | | jo, amy, dave, mother dave (#2) | | jill, dave, mother dave |

OCTOBER 8, 2003

10/4/03: My Trip to Downtown Seattle

Washington/Orgegon Pictures (my first week)

SEPTEMBER 24, 2003

| me pointing at the big krispy kreme |
| me eating the krispy kreme...yum! |

SEPTEMBER 22, 2003
leaving for college....(lol, only 1 pic)

| karl and amy at airport |

SEPTEMBER 21, 2003
My surprising day..Todai

| amy and jenny | | me, jo, and jill | | me and amy |
| me and jenny | | me and jo | | me and jill |
| group (had to use one of the earlier taken pics cause the last one came out blurry) |

SEPTEMBER 19, 2003
My day at UH

| me, jill, jenny | | jenny's dorm |
| joanna pointing | | eric (taken by corey) | | me pinching dane's head (camera trick) |
| our cool phones | | eric reacting to eyedrops | | eric reacting to eyedrops #2 |

SEPTEMBER 13, 2003
Spaghetti Factory

| happy joanna | | serious jillian | | serious jillian 2 | | amy and karl with cool hats |
| amy and karl in photobooth | | amy and karl in photobooth 2 | | kaj(karl, amy, jill) |
| kaj through the sunroof | | kaj looking up | | kaj singing | | kaj pic at a weird angle | | colleen |

AUGUST 30, 2003
Fun Factory!

| jo on the carousal | | mat (jenny) on the tonka truck |
| jim/amos (amy) with the dog | | julius (jill) on the bus | | group photobooth pic |

AUGUST 24, 2003
Jillian's new car!!

| backside | | frontside | | front view |
| back view | | front closeup | | front closeup #2 |

AUGUST 16, 2003
Laura's St. Louis Departure

| Laura and Joanna | | Laura and Jillian | | Laura and Jenny | | Laura and Amy |
| Laura and Karlyn | | Laura and Darryl | | Group at airport | | Group looking down |
| Laura's goodbye video (LAURA, CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR LITTLE CLIP FOR YOU)(1 MB) |

AUGUST 14, 2003
Laura's surprise Chuck E. Cheese party

| amy and jo | | jill, jenny, and laura | | group |

AUGUST 8, 2003
Bucca night!

jo, amy, jill, karl at zippy's***

| darren showing off his tattoo | | jill and darren showing off tattoos | | jill and darren |
| group at bucca's | | laura, jill, darren | | jill and amy playing ddr |

JULY 28, 2003
Jenny's Birthday!!
| amy sleeping in the car | | jenny with her ice cream sundae | | jenny with cake |
| jenny blowing out candles | | group imitating amy | | group on stairs | | jillian sleeping in the car |

JULY 23, 2003
Chubby!! (at Jillian's house)
| chubby | | chubby 2 | | chubby 3 | | chubby 4 |

JULY 19, 2003
Laura's Party
| jo, colin simulating coaster ride | | jill, karl simulating coaster ride | | group |

JULY 4, 2003
Halekoa Hotel
| nice pose | | amy, jenny, jo | | nice pose with diff. bg |
| group looking away | | jo, amy showing night view | | amy against glass door |
| group pileup | | mean faces | | reaching |

JULY 2, 2003
My House
| pig wearing beanie | | jo, karl, jill, amy closeup | | open mouths | | jill riding my razor |

check back for more pics and clips coming soon!


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