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aren't you tired of these yet?

Which Angelina Are You?
how ironic? I'M JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Wednesday's Child
Am i Doomed?
What day are you?

I am...

I'm Orlando Bloom!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?

I'm a Wind Spiriti

You are Civilian Calvin!
You don't get to travel much outside your neighborhood, but you still manage to get in plenty of trouble. When you're not acting up, you like to wax philosophical.
Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by!

Take the "What *NSYNC Hairstyle are you?" Quiz

Take The Mu$ic Biz Whore Test

You're Uncle Fester!

See which Greek Goddess you are.

Which Weezer Song are You?

You aren't a very bright person, but since you always mean well
and you're so likeable, people don't really care.

Take The "Which WWF Wrestler are you?" Quiz.
Created by Potman

You are sufficiently sexy. You tend to engage men more with your personality and confidence than with your looks. Not that you don't care about your appearance. You do. But your style is more casual and classy than dressed-to-impress. Men feel comfortable around you, probably because they can tell how comfortable you are with yourself. You draw them in without overwhelming them. That's great, but don't be afraid to act alluring sometimes, too -- not in a trashy way but, rather, by doing your best Sharon Stone impersonation (and we don't mean her character in Basic Instinct). As long as you know when to draw the line and let men see and appreciate your other (nonphysical) qualities, it can be fun to play up your sexuality.

Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which British Band Are You?

What Pattern Are You?

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Which Internal Organ are you? Find out at willaston's lounge!

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Click here to see if you`re a "Stereotypical Asian" yourself!

SOLV KK006, 200
SOLV KK006, 200:
You are incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and strong inorganic acids. In accordance with California Proposition 65, you are required to inform California that you contain trace levels of acetaldehyde.
Find out what kind of industrial solvent you are

Find out what kind of driver you are!

Find your emotion!

Who are YOU most like?

i'm just interested in others having fun?

You are Sylvia Plath
No matter how much you struggle, you can't manage to shake off depression. You use symbolism to express yourself and have a knack for getting the most out of gas ovens.

Take the Which Poet are You? Quiz - brought to you out of boredom and pretention!

You are 40% evil! [?]
You're more good than evil, but not by much. You've drank straight from the carton of milk in the refrigerator, and maybe kicked the neighbor's cat, but you're still good. Kinda.


Legolas Greenleaf

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Legolas, Elf, a son of the King of Mirkwood.

In the movie, I am played by Orlando Bloom.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

How Gay Are YOU?

I'm natural bubble tea!
Click here to take the test!

Which Computer Component Are you?

Which Kiss are You?

Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit [Me.]

Which Kiss Are You?

Who's Your Movie Sidekick? Find out @ She's Crafty

which children's storybook character are you?
this quiz was made by colleen

*Take The Gap Toothed Celebrity Test!*

Take The Ice Cream Flavour Test!*

60% - 70% (Trench Coat Mafia)

Angry, venemous, vitriolic, hurt and mentally unhinged.
You know where dad keeps the guns and the list of those who're going to get it is not only long, but half the names have already been crossed off.
Not to be fucked with.

Take the DeathKiddy Test!

Take The Addams Family Test Here!

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty
click to take it!

Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
I'm Noodle

Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which HP Kid Are You?

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

Take The Confession Test!

your confession has been heard, you are absolved of your sins.
your sacrament of reconciliation is: 3 'hail mary's' and 1 'our father'

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be?

You were male in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of what is now know as modern South New Zealand, approximately in the year 1100. Your profession was: dancer, singer, actor. A brief psychological profile of you in that past life: You had mind of a scientist, always seeking new explanations. Environment often misunderstood him, but respected his knowledge. A lesson that your last past life wishes you to learn in your present life is: Magic is everywhere around you, in most usual, most ordinary incidents. Your lesson -- to learn magic and to help people to see it clearly. You are magician! do you remember?

*Take This Test!*

*Take This Test!*

I am 21-40% Ghetto

I WISH I was ghetto. I need to take them gold plated teeth and get some REAL gold teeth..

*Take This Test!*

*Take This Test!*

Take The Hair Bear Bunch Test!

blast! this guy is stupid!

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

Ms. Barch is the Science Teacher From Hell. She's psychotic and has a healthy distaste for men

Wowie! You are The Kids! You are very strange, aren't you? You're way out their doin' whatever juvenile thing floats your boat. Cool.
i'm kiwi flavoured!

Strawberry: 0/100 Pear: 40/100 Banana: 60/100 Tomato: 20/100 Lemon: 0/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen and Aaron!

There is a reason why Nintendo tried to limit my involvement to giving out clues and various other insignificant tasks. That is because I can't last a whole game as the center of attention without smoking up. I am pretty fun to chill with, as long as no one makes snide remarks about my height, but I am not suitable for young children. This doesn't bother me too much. I don't crave the spotlight like others do. I have my friends, my bong, and a constant paycheck. Being Toad rocks muchly.

What Super Mario Bros character are you?

Which Buffy Guy Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

I am 87.5% British, just like
Mr Bean
Shy to the point of ridicule, you've probably never been out of the UK.

Take the Brit Quiz at

Quiz written by Daz
I'm Chexmix!
What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out!

Which Hacker's Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Take the Which Spider-Man Character Are You? quiz by ZyberGoat

What Goddess Archetype are you?

take the "what's my fault" quiz.
(and then browse around because laura is cool.)

I am Sweet and Sour Chicken!
Take the What Kind of Chinese Food Are You? test!

I am a Fortune Cookie!
Take the What Kind of Chinese Food Are You? test!

take the butt quiz.
and go to why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts?