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Have you ever had a dream that you vowed to risk everything for? This is mine. I have an amazing friend in my life named Jeremy. He is someone that is more than a friend...he is an angel. Jeremy is a hard worker, has a heart of gold, and does very little for himself. The one thing that keeps us SO connected is our love of Broadway musicals. We both have been anticipating the release of the Broadway musical Rent in the movie theaters. My dream for Jeremy is that he could attend the movie premiere with all the other stars of the movie. I've already committed many hours to sending letters to TV shows, calling agent contacts, and I even embarrassed myself making a movie about my quest to make this dream come true. I have been specifically trying to use the Ellen Show to make this dream come true and have sent many emails to her (but I figure a few more from my friends wouldn't hurt the cause). This website is my final attempt to get this dream granted. I am hoping through this site I will be able to reach someone who can help me grant this dream or at least find people who are willing to help me make this very important dream come true! Feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions!

What can I do?

Linking Dreams

The Ellen Show Webpage
The Official Rent Movie Website
What Dreams Are Made Of
