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Summoning a Spirit or ghost...
For conversation with the dead go to a cemetery; avoid the grave's Annoyance, speaking always gently:
  "Earth, bone, 
      And winding sheet, 
         Let this spirit 
         Come to me- 
           Yet send it 
             In peace, 
          Or not at all." 
If it comes, it should be offered white wine, not red; and knelt to, from pity.

For someone who doesn't treat you right or who's behaviour don't suit you.

There are two different methods to this spell depending on whether the person is near you or not.
If they are near you, concentrate on them and while staring at them (discreety ,of course) say the following...

"Torqueo suus ossis et flecto suus spina, sopoficer et mysticus et magicus et occultus."

Now carry on like that but change the first line each time you do it saying what you want them to be like and after every line say:

"hypnotic and mystic and magic and mystery".

When you have finished (it can be as long or short as you want) you need to envision yourself doing the following to them:raise your left hand to their left hand side and say "just" then raise your right hand to their right hand side and say "like" then bring your hands together and draw them down the person's body and when they meet say "this."

If they are not near you, get a spoon (the bigger the better) and visualize them floating above you. As you are saying the exact same spell as above hold the spoon by the end and hold it vertically. As you are are saying the spell visualize it's power building in the cupped part of the spoon. When you have finished the main part of the spell, you pull the spoon backwards saying "just" then throw it forward while saying "like" and as you visualize the power of the spell hitting the person say "this."

Short Term Mind Spell


Purple household or black image candle
Controlling or Commanding type incense
Controlling or Commanding type oil

Inscribe the candle with the name of the person whose thoughts you want to temporarily control. If using an image candle you my also remove the wax on the bottom and place some personal items (hair, nail clippings,cloth etc)of the persons in the well,reseal & place on a square of foil.
Anoint the candle with the appropriate oil. Place your incense burner in a spot on your altar where it's smoke will "waft" over the candle and then light it. As the candle burns for about 10-15 minutes,recite the following over & over:

"Compel unto thee,Think like me.
1, 2 ,3 think with me, 1, 2, 3 see as I see
If you see like me, if you don't,
compel unto thee, think like me"

Continue this nightly until the candle is spent. If possible,dispose of the remanants in the ground somewhere you know the target will cross or in front of their house. If not,simple throw them away.


To Make a Man Impotent
Also called "crossing or mojoing a man's nature"

You must take the piece of cloth reserved for both parties after sexual relations and tie it in seven knots. Then it must be weighted and dropped into a river. The man will only regain his sexual abilities if you retrieve the cloth and untie the knots. Otherwise, he will never be able to perform again.

MoJo Note: For added affect you can use what are called male "gender" (penis)candles in blue to keep him from fooling around(African JuJu & Citronella oil). Yellow & Black is used to keep him from getting it up( mimosa oil) and red is used for better sex(Happiness oil). There are also female "gender" candles in red and black to achieve the same affects with a woman so that she enjoys sex more or does not fool around on the man.

Spell to Bring Nightmares

Perform this spell on the night of a waning moon.
(Warning- Protect yourself when performing this spell. By calling upon the deities of Darkness you are putting yourself at risk. After performing this spell it would be wise to perform a cleansing and purifying ritual on your house. You may also want to perform a spell for pleasant dreams).

Preparation- thirteen black candles. Put one candle in each corner of the altar, one one each side, and one on each corner of your pentagram.

Anoint each candle with a non-purifying(?)oil. Cast a circle.

Visualization- Imagine the persons dream in perfect detail, replay it over and over in your mind until the dream is completely clear in your head. Once it is visualize your thoughts traveling to the person, see the persons face and the dream seeping into their brain.

Invocation- invoke a dark deity or a diety of dreams and nightmares into your circle, such as Incubus-the god of nightmares and dream rape, and/or The White Lady- The Celtic Goddess of Terror and the underworlds by saying,

" I invoke thee, dark god, call thee by name.
Incubus, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds.
I invoke thee dark goddess, call thee by name.
White Lady, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds."

Incantation- Now state your purpose by saying:

"Enchanting dieties of the underworld,
I call upon thee to help me perform my evil deeds.
Come at once, aid this dream of terror,
come at once to bring them horror.
Crawl inside his/her head deep in the night,
Bring him/her the dream I see so clear,Bring him/her my dream of fright.
He/she shall never forget this dream I made, let it stay with him/her until her/his grave.
Now go at once, travel the night,
bring (persons name) dreams of fright."

Meditate- Now sit comfortably and meditate. First see the dream traveling to the person again, and then clear your mind of all negative thoughts.

Now close the circle and allow the candles to burn themselves out.