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My Favorite things about Satan

Whats in this here site?

The differences between Satan and Santa
The differences between Elvis and your pelvis
Words of wisdom, about important things. like life, and pancakes.
When Satan(TM) gets romantic...
(be sure to have your volume pumped up for this little doodle...)


This is where I write my thoughts and dreams about satan
Satan posts here a lot. as martin
This is my loyal assistant and manager of our european branch
If Satan listened to music, this would surely be it. because satan has good taste.


I like Satan. He makes me laugh, feel like a natural woman, albeit somewhat goaty (tenderly!), and makes me lips balms that taste like Hoegaardens. (not to be confused with mere gardens filled with hos)
I'd like to see GOD do that for you, eh???

(no offense, big G)

lets see what our friend stalin has to say about that:
: you tellem, sweet cakes!

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