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Specialty Shop Charm With Distinctive Boutique Style

Cherished Boutique Clothing

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Stacey's Timeless Heirloom Boutique
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Items For Sale

This Week's
Feature Heirloom

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Ebay Item #2802474464

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Welcome to my homepage. As a SAHM {Stay At Home Mom} I needed something to relieve a little of the stress that comes with that title. I began a wonderful and successful business selling clothing through EBAY. Mostly specializing in Children's clothes, I enjoy offering Name Brand, High Quality clothing at very affordable prices. I shop the local Boutiques and high end department stores for end of season merchandise which has been drastically reduced/marked down/clearanced and I buy large quantities; I then sell those items the following year. I pass the bargains onto YOU!

I have the best of both worlds~~I get to shop AND make a little extra money for me and my Family. So check out what I have up for auction right now by clicking to my Timeless Heirloom Boutique. Thanks for taking the time to Visit. See you at the Auctions!!
