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St. Cyril Theatre Guild

Link To Our Current Production (2003): THE MOUSETRAP

Welcome to the Home Page for
The St.Cyril Theatre Guild.



Choreographed by JANET COUVILLON

Last Update 02/18/02

Our Year Ten Anniversary Musical, with performances scheduled for July 7, 8, 13, 14, & 15 2000, has closed after the most successful run in our history! We performed GREASE to two nearly sell-out audiences on July 7 & 8. Patron's Night was a very enjoyable evening for the cast and crew all our Patron's who attended Thursday evening's special performance. Only 30 Tickets remained unsold for Friday, July 14 and Saturday, July 15 was a complete sell-out. Visit our cast page for a list of characters and performers.

Enhance your viewing by turning on your speakers and listening to a little GREASE!

To learn more about this show and shows past, we invite you to click on the 5 links at the bottom of the page and begin your journey through our site. Who knows...maybe we can "grease" your way to stardom!


Our "Summer of 2000" musical production of Grease was staged

July 7 and 8,
July 13, 14, and 15

at Rice University's Hamman Hall.

Map of Rice University

Use entrance 13, 1st parking lot on the left.

About Hamman Hall, Building 19.

The 1st weekend featured 7:30PM shows on Opening Night, Friday, July 7 and Saturday, July 8. The following week-end we had our annual Patron's Night for everyone who wished to join us for our special performance on Thursday, July 13 at 7:30PM. A Friday night performance at 7:30PM followed and we closed our show with a final performance on Saturday evening, July 15, at 7:30PM. We hope you were able to attend one (or more) of our shows. Our local Houston visitor links are still open for those of you visiting Houston. Please review our Houston page for a list of restaurants and other local attractions.

Our Current (11th) Season opens in July 2001 with our production of


Our Director for Li'l Abner will again be Jill Aufill.
Our Producer will be John Pisklak.
Janet Couvillon has agreed to return as our choreographer for Li'l Abner.

Auditions for LI'L ABNER were held Monday, March 19, 2001 at 7:00PM
at St. Cyril Catholic Church in Houston.

A brief synopsis of Grease, details on year ten auditions, the rehearsal schedule, ticket information, and a history of the Guild with links to all nine of our previous shows are all available by clicking on the appropriate links below.

Our Year Ten "Announcements" page is up and running. Older messages concerning make-up and other topics are still listed there. If you have any announcements to post, get them to Mike, John, or the appropriate committee chairperson.

General Guild Announcements

We have several jobs that will need filling for Year Eleven. We need lots of help to produce our next musical. If you have some skills to offer or are just willing to work hard to "learn on the job" please check our job openings page starting in January 2001, or call John or Jill now.

About The Play: A Brief Synopsis
Our Cast
Rehearsal Schedule
About The Guild and Past Performances

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© 2002, 2003, 2004

Originally Posted 4/10/00
Last Update On 08/30/04
Total Hits for our last show, Anything Goes! = 14,409 as of 02/18/02
A new counter for Grease has been installed. We had 1352 hits prior to the close of Grease

This Grease Ring site is owned by
Mike Midler.

Want to join the Grease Ring?
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NOTICE TO NETSCAPE USERS: This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.0. I will not be doing a "mirrored" site this year for netscape with sound. If you have trouble downloading this site or hearing the sound, please try downloading Internet Explorer 5.0 for either Macs or Windows at the link below. (This is not a political statement against AOL nor and endorsement of Bill Gates...I just don't have the TIME!)...Mike