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Cat Registration Form

Using the conventions of Jellicle Cat and Pollicle Dog established in Cats, the following restrictions must be followed:

For the purpose of this page: Teenagers will be assumed to be adults, unless you state that they have yet to go to their first Jellicle Ball

-- G-Clef :0

Are you submitting a:
Family Name:
Purrticular Name:
Purrsonal Name:
Gender: Male Female
Colouring & Markings:
Purrsonal Tastes:

The Following information is not neccessary unless you what to be sited as the
person who first remembered this Jellicle Cat/Kitten (or Pollicle Dog/Puppy)
This is primarily for my own records as aposed to the homepage

Your E-Mail address:
Your Name:

Unfortunatly only MIcrosoft's Intenet Explorer 5 supports the HTML 4 Button Tag. So If your using another browser, you probably are having difficulty submitting this form. There are two solutions to this problem:

1. Use the orginal form located at:
2. Or you can print off the text version of the form, and email me the information at:

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