The Midnight Train Crossing


Starlight Express, according to me!!

Hearing a distant whistle Dinah sighed. Tonight hadn't turned out all that well for her either.
She looked at Electra a little disgusted.
I'm fed up with all this racing," she said, "This electric thing I'm chasing doesn't have that certain something that a girl expects to hear. He never whistles at me," she continued with a sigh, "It's damaging my status."
"I don't think he can whistle at me," she added thoughtfully, looking at him, "He lacks the apparatus."
"Why do you never whistle at me?" she asked, "Beginning to suspect you. I need someone to whistle at me," she said, "I'm gonna disconnect you!"
With that Dinah unhitched and took off, leaving a very stunned Electra partner-less.

He looked around frantically and saw CB passing.
"CB, CB," Electra called skating over to the caboose, "Dinah's gone and made a disconnection! CB, CB, you gotta help me in the final section," Electra begged.
CB nodded and hitched behind. Another engine was taking him out, what could he do this time?
"Don't even think about it," Electra said.
CB pressed on his brakes experimentally, they didn't move. Somehow Electra had frozen them.


Dinah found Belle and Flat Top and wordlessly joined them.
The racers assembled for the re-run.

"Control, Control, re-run of championship on downhill course! Re-run of championship!"
Everyone was too tense to cheer. Even the marshals were silent as Control announced the racers.
"In track one: Greaseball and Pearl. In track two: Bobo and Ashley. In track three: Electra and... carriage change, carriage change. Electra and CB."

Greaseball and Electra glared at each other, this race was for real.
Pearl was beyond upset. Tonight was supposed to have been fun and look what had happened. She had stood by while her best friend had been cheated and beaten up and she was coupled to the engine responsible.
"Locomotion... Locomotion... " Greaseball chanted flexing.
"Why do I have to lie?" Pearl asked upset.
"Le jour de gloire est arrive," Bobo sang.
"Gonna be hot, hotter then hot," Ashley sang along.
"Just for me," CB sang softly, "I'm in this just for me."
"I'm gonna win," Electra declared. He turned to CB, "You'll help me win."
"I'll be victorious, I'm gonna win!" everyone shouted.
They repeated everything all at once.
"Locomotion... Locomotion... Why do I have to lie... Le jour de glorie est arrive... Gonna be hot, hotter then hot... Just for me, I'm in this just for me... I'm gonna win, you'll help me win... I'll be victorious, I'm gonna win!"

A strange whistle sounded silencing everyone. The lights flicked off. Everyone looked at Electra who shrugged; it wasn't him.
A silvery light glowed above everyone. One of the bridges not in use tonight slowly lowered.
A voice floated down to them. "Earth, water, air, fire," the voice sang, "See the steam rise higher." A dark steam engine, in full racing gear came into view on the bridge.
Everyone looked at each other, but no one knew who he was.
"Earth, water, air, fire," he sang again.
"Aggregates are really great," the aggregate hopper behind the engine sang, "Aggregates never complain."
Everyone recognized Dustin, but who was the engine?
"See the steam rise higher," the engine sang.
"Dumping lots of rubble at the double, no trouble," Dustin sang, "It's great to be an aggregate train."
"Earth, water, air, fire!" the engine sang.

"Entries have closed, Entries have closed," Control broke in, "Who is this? Who are you?"
The engine looked up at Control fearlessly, "I'm the Starlight Express!"
Control was stunned into silence.

"We're going for greatness," the coaches sang.
"We've had it with lateness," the trucks agreed.
"To fail to be first... " the coaches started.
"It not better then worst," the trucks continued, "Who cares if you're fast... "
"You're first or your last," the coaches finished.
"Freight!" the trucks shouted.
"Folks!" the coaches retorted.
"Honor glory!" everyone sang.

The mysterious engine pulled off his helmet and ran his fingers through his reddish-brown hair. It was Rusty. Everyone, especially Greaseball was stunned.
"Control, Control, Rusty is not in the re-run," Control shouted, "Rusty clear tracks!"
"Earth, water, air, fire!" the Starlight Express retorted.
"Rusty's gonna race, Rusty's gonna race, Rusty's gonna race, Rusty's gonna race-race in the final!" everyone sang.
The marshals shrugged and let Rusty pass.

"Who'll be victorious, who's gonna win?" the coaches and trucks asked.
"I'll be victorious, I'm gonna win," the racers answered.
"Gonna win," everyone echoed, "Who'll be victorious? I'll be victorious, I'll be victorious, I'm gonna win (gonna win)!"
Rusty's voice rose above the others, "Rise higher!"
"I'll be victorious, I'll be victorious," their chanting slowed until in matched the beat of the engines, "Who'll be victorious? Who's gonna win?"
"Twenty seconds," Control announced.

The racers took their places at the starting gate.
Rusty had no fear, no worries about Electra and Greaseball, no thoughts of Pearl, nothing, only the anticipation of flying down the track.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Trains gone!"

The engines shot out of the gate and down the steep track.
Rusty waited, he let Dustin's momentum carry him down the hill, he focused on Ashley and stayed right behind her.
Electra zipped past Greaseball to take the lead. Greaseball accelerated and chased him. Before he could gain much on Electra Bobo passed him and suddenly Rusty was looking at Pearl. Sparks flew out under her wheels.
What is she doing? Rusty wondered moving aside.
Pearl was sitting on her brakes. If CB could hold an engine back so could she. Belle had said a coach could guide an engine. Pearl wasn't nearly as experience as Belle and CB and the strain was beginning to show.
Greaseball had figured out something was wrong.
"What are you doing?" he yelled back at her. She didn't answer. He reached back and wrenched Pearl loose and let her fly.
Her brakes, protesting against the strain, had given out completely. She couldn't stop, or steer. Pearl was on a crash course with the edge of the track, and beyond that there was nothing between her and a long fall.
She's gonna... " Rusty realized with growing horror.
Pearl shut her eyes and screamed.

The Starlight Express shot forward in a blaze of light and steam. He grabbed her arm and they spun around until she was steady.
"Are you all right?" he shouted.
"I'm fine, go!" she answered.
He shot after the other engines.
Pearl caught her breath, who was that? She looked after the engine who had saved her and recognized Dustin. It was Rusty. Rusty had saved her. After all she had put him through tonight he had still saved her. He could've let her crash, he should've let her crash, but he didn't. He didn't. He had saved her. She covered her face and ran, away from the track, away from everything, tears running down her face.

Greaseball was considering his options. Now he needed a new partner. Forfeiting was out of the question. He didn't think he could catch Electra before the time ran out, and he didn't want Dustin. His gaze fell on Bobo. He chased him and then rammed him, once, twice and Bobo slumped over on the railing.
Greaseball turned to Ashley and offered her a hand in a very gentlemanly fashion. She hitched behind and he took off after Electra with Rusty close behind.
Greaseball passed Electra again and sped ahead. Rusty zipped in. Electra growled, it was that irritating steam engine again. He reached out to zap him. The Starlight Express pulled ahead and the lightning hit the wall harmlessly. Electra tried again with no luck, giving up he chased Greaseball instead.
Out of the corner of his eyes Rusty saw CB. He resisted the urge to ram the caboose.
"Out front, in back CB," CB sang, swinging into Rusty. The Starlight avoided his easily.

All three engines were even with each other now.
Electra zapped again and missed. Rusty was a little surprised at how easy it was to avoid being shocked. The little engine zipped around avoiding the electricity.
He's taunting me, Electra thought, Stupid steam train! The more he thought about it the angrier he got. The angrier he got the more electricity he generated. He let out a lethal bolt of lightning. The Starlight dodged it, the electricity flew past and hit Greaseball dead on.
Ashley uncoupled as the engine lost control. He tried desperately to swerve but he couldn't steer or stop. He was on a crash course with Electra. The electric engine sped up and Greaseball collided with CB pushing them both to the side. Electra uncoupled the caboose and pulled away, but not without scraping the edge with a horrible screech.
Greaseball and CB plunged off the track. Electra sent out a bolt of magnetism and pulled Ashley in.
Rusty heard Greaseball and CB crash when they finally came to a stop, somewhere off the track. Don't look back, he ordered himself pushing on. The finish line was so close, just a little further.
Electra, now with Ashley, chased Rusty, but he had lost too much time.
Just a little further
Electra sped up, gaining on Rusty.
The Starlight Express shot forward over the finish line.
There was a split-second of stunned silence before the crown went wild.

"Rusty is the champion!" A very stunned Control announced, "Rusty to winners platform! Rusty for lap of honor!"
"We won!" Dustin exclaimed.
Rusty looked around, where was Pearl? He had to find her.
"Where are you going?" Dustin asked, "The winner's platform is that way!"
"Later!" Rusty shouted.
"Where are you going?" Dustin repeated.
"I must find Pearl," Rusty answered trying to catch his breath, "I must find Pearl." He took off going faster as he caught his breath, "I must find Pearl." The thought pushed him on, he hoped she was all right. "I must find Pearl!"

Electra uncoupled Ashley and stormed off the track. His components gathered around him concerned but he didn't seem to see them.
He had lost, and even worse, to an old fashioned steam train.
He looked horrible, his hair was a mess, he was dented, and one side was scratched where he had scraped against the wall. He glared at everyone and no one in particular. Everyone else skated away, no one wanted to deal with him.

"Clear my track, you've had your chance now," Electra sang, "I'll find another line, no comeback!"
He winced and then growled he was so embarrassed, he was not supposed to lose.
"Loosing's not my style so I can't show my face now," he said, "Find another place now, didn't win so I'll go."
"Don't try to persuade me," he added, "Loosing always wreaks it! This is my last exit," the lights flashed, "Stand by to fade me!"
"No comeback," Electra sang, "This is the last time, we'll never meet again, no comeback!"
Sparks gathered between his fingers. "No comeback this is the last time," he repeated, "We'll never meet again, no comeback!"
He tried to let out a bolt and nothing happened, he was short-circuiting. He glared at his hands and let out an angry groan.
"No come, no come, no come, no come, no comeback!" he said, "No comeback!"
His components spun around him, but not too close.
"No come, no come, no come, no come," they all repeated, "No comeback, No comeback!"
Still chanting the components continued circling.

His power was fading in and out. The national trains, keeping a safe distance away, watched him. "Adieu mon ami," Electra said waving each train in turn "Addio ma cara, Awfwiedersehen mien lieb."
The components continued circling but widened their circle.
"Sayonara," Electra said glaring at Hashamoto, Gah his components were irritating! Why couldn't they leave him alone? "Eat my dust!" he shouted shooting lightning into the air and shocking everyone within range.
The components recovered quickly and spun faster. Electra glared at them and then turned and zapped a control panel.

"No comeback this is the last time," he sang, "We'll never meet again, no comeback!"
The bridge lowered and he jumped on it.
"No comeback this is the last time," Electra sang as the bridge rose taking him away, "We'll never meet again... " He shot a lightning bock into the air, "No comeback!"

The lights went out plunging the yard into complete darkness.
Wrench whipped out a flashlight and swept it around. Electra was gone.
"He left... without us?" Joule asked in a strangled voice.
"What are we supposed to now?" Volta asked.
They had never been on their own before.
"He'll be back," a voice said.
Wrench turned and caught Buffy in her light.
"I have never known an engine to abandon his entire train before," Buffy said, "Especially when they're his."
The components did not look reassured.
"Until he comes back you're welcome to stay with us," Buffy added.
"Man! Electra blew out the power again," Rocky exclaimed.
Wrench shifted to her wheels, "I can fix that... "
"Now if we can-" Krupp started after the lights came back on.

"Hold on a minute!" Ashley exclaimed pointing.
"What is that?" Buffy asked seeing something move.
'That' was Greaseball and CB, or rather the wreck they had become. The crash, along with the electricity had fused them together. Both groaned as they slowly and painfully made their way over. Everyone else gave them a wide berth.

"One rock'n'roll too many," they sang, "One night's sleep too few. Too much ringing that bell takes its toll outta you."
"The sound's too loud," Greaseball said.
"The light's too bright," CB complained shielding his eyes.
"My chain's are too heavy and my pants are too tight," Greaseball finished, his voice rising.
"One rock'n'roll too many takes it's toll outta you," they sang.
"One rock'n'roll too many, one more joint put out," they continued trying to pull apart, "One more twist of the wrist makes you twist-twist and shout! Ooo!" they exclaimed giving up and leaning against each other.
"There's been too many strobes and laser beams," they sang, "Got too many nightmares and not enough dreams, said one rock'n'roll too many takes it's toll outta you!"
They tried to pull apart again.
"Ow... Ow... Ow," CB whimpered, something was gonna break, he just knew it.
"Oh Ouch!" Greaseball exclaimed as they finally flew apart and landed on opposite sides.

"One rock'n'roll too many, one more farewell show," they sang standing up and turning to the watching trains, "Come on clap your hands," they called, "Are you having a good time?"
Greaseball and CB turned to each other and shook their heads. "No," they said in strangled voices.
"My rug is cut," CB said sadly.
"My dig is dug," Greaseball added.
"My groove's too deep," CB responded.
"And my frig is frug," Greaseball finished.
Behind them Ashley, Buffy and the Rockies were spinning around.

"One rock'n'roll too many, one night's sleep too few," the two sang.
"There's been too much ringing that bell," Greaseball said, "cuz it take's it's toll outta you!"
"Well my rave's been raided," CB started, he put a hand on his waist and made a face, "And my hip just hopped."
"My mojo isn't working," Greaseball complained.
"And my pills have just popped," CB finished.
"One rock'n'roll too many," they sang, "I can't take no more."

"Whaddya say?" Greaseball asked.
"I can't hear nothing," CB said.
"Whaddya say?" Greaseball repeated confused.
"I can't hear nothing," CB said shaking his head.
Greaseball shook his head, "I can't hear nothing."
"Whaddya say?" CB asked.
"I can't hear nothing!" Greaseball exclaimed.
"Whaddya say?" CB repeated getting frustrated.
"I said one rock'n'roll too many," they sang together sadly, skating back together, "takes it's toll... " suddenly tired they sank to the ground, "and the soul... "

They closed their eyes and instantly fell asleep, leaning against each other.
Poppa and Belle entered and gave the two sleeping figures amused looks.
Suddenly they awoke and looked around disoriented and confused.
"Outta you!" they finished.

CB looked up to see Belle looking down at him with an expression he couldn't read.
He felt horrible he hurt everywhere. H had lost count of all the wrecks he had caused but he had never one, never know what it felt like, until now. He pushed himself to all fours and started to crawl. A pair of wheels blocked his way. He didn't have the energy to go around so he stopped. Greaseball wasn't in too much better shape; he hadn't moved.
Poppa started to say something.

"Control! Control!" Control broke in. Everyone looked up, as usual.
"Rusty to return immediately! Rusty to return immediately or lap of honor will be canceled! Lap of honor will be canceled!"
Poppa looked around, "Where's Rusty gone?" he demanded.
Everyone looked around as the question passed through them, "Where's Rusty gone?"
"Looking for Pearl," Dustin answered.
"What happened to Pearl?" Poppa asked.
"What happened to Pearl?" Belle repeated.
Dustin shrugged and pointed off in the general direction Rusty had gone.
"What happened to Pearl?" everyone asked.
Poppa could look stern, and he did as he glared down at Greaseball and CB who squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze. "You'll show us if takes all night," Poppa commanded grabbing Greaseball by the rings and half pulling him up. They scrambled to their wheels rather then disobey him.
Poppa pushed Greaseball forward a little roughly. Coaches, trucks, components, and engines all hitched behind Poppa.

"Where are you going?" Belle asked catching CB's wrist and pulling him back.
"Ow," CB winced and looked at Belle with limpid eyes.
She regarded him coldly. "That did not hurt," she said, "but it could... so behave!"
CB nodded and let Belle hitch him gently to the train.
The long train started out to find Rusty and Pearl.


After she left the racetrack Pearl ran. She ran until there was no one where else to go, end of the line. Running had kept her from thinking and now she had to stop running. She automatically turned and closed the gate she had opened to come in. It was dark in the yard except for an old lamp. She dropped to her knees and put her head down.
The wind whistled past and she looked up. "Rusty?" she whispered. No one was there, not that she expected him to be. The surface under her fingers was grooved automatically she traced it. Pearl looked down; it was a carved 'R' and 'P' inside a heart. She traced the 'R'. She hadn't known, had she? Yes, she finally admitted, she had.
"Oh Rusty," she sighed and brushed back tears.

"Known him for a lifetime," she sang, she sighed, "Knew him not at all, thought there was nothing special about him." She smiled thinking about him, "Now I see him shining, opened up my eyes, form now on I can't do without him."
She stood up, "Only he has the power to move me," she sang, "And together we'd make the whole world move in sympathy." She sighed, "But I couldn't see before."
("I am the Starlight!") Something swept through the yard but she couldn't feel it.
"That only he has the power to move me," she continued, "Take me, hold me, mould me, change me, and improve me," she shook her head, "It's not funny anymore!"
She skated back and forth the length of the yard.

"Only he can make my burden light," she sang, "Only he can make a wrong seem right," she smiled, "Only he can make the shadows bright and make the darkness gleaming white!"
"He," she smiled, "Him and me," that sounded even better, "Only he has the power to move me."
She sat down, "All the nights I've wasted dreaming of the time when I'd discover the one to guide me," she looked off into the distance, "Searching the horizon," she sighed and smiled tracing the R again, "Didn't realize that all the time he was beside me."

"Only he," she sang ("I am the Starlight!") Something swept around her, "Has the power to move me," ("I can achieve") the stars sparkled down at her. She twirled, "And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy, him and me we'd be sublime."
She smiled, "Only he could stand and wait that long, stand by me while I was going wrong."
A thought occurred to her and she slowed to a stop. "What if he couldn't wait... have I left it too late?" she thought aloud panicked, what if he had given up on her? .
"Only he," she sang, silver light swirled around her ("I am the Starlight,") "Has the power to move me," Pearl twirled through the light, ("I can achieve,") "And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy," ("Anything!") Something surged through her, that one she felt, suddenly she felt better. "Him and me we'd be sublime."

"Can he see or will he never guess that next time I'm gonna answer 'yes'" she asked, "Does he know if he comes back today this time I'm gonna make him stay."
"He," she twirled, "Only he! Only he has the power, every day, every hour he moves me so!" she sat down again.
"I am the Starlight!" a faint voice sang. She didn't exactly hear it, but she felt it.


Rusty had been searching for Pearl and he finally saw her.
He caught his breath and skated over to her letting out a soft whistle so she'd know he was there. She looked up.
"Pearl I had to find you," he said. She had been crying. Why was she crying? He didn't want her to be sad. "Why you looking blue?" he asked sitting down next to her. "I'm sorry you never found your dream train," he said forcing the words out.
Pearl sniffed, he'd been worried about her. She rubbed her eyes. "Rusty, I have found him," she said.
Rusty's heart sank, who was it now?
"But you were looking too," she continued quickly, "for the Starlight Express, did you have much success?"
"Yes I found him okay," Rusty said, "And now I'm brave enough to say... "

"Shh," Pearl said. She took his hands and pulled him to his wheels, "Only you have the power to move me," she sang setting his hands on her shoulders, "And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy."
She looked back at him with an apology in her eyes, "But I could not see before."
Rusty twisted out of her grip and backed away, she had broken his heart twice tonight, and now she decided that he was the one? "Only you," he sang, "Have the power to move me, take me, hold me, mould me, change me, and improve me." He shook his head, "It's not funny anymore."
No, Pearl thought, it's not.
"There was I wondering why everyday disappeared into the distance," she sang, she twirled into his arms, "Now with you the light is shining through," she looked at him, "You gave me life not just existence."
He started to glow, "Only you... "

"You are the Starlight!" Pearl exclaimed, not really surprised.
He took her hands and light swirled around them, "Have the power to move me."
"We can achieve," Pearl sang feeling Starlight rush through her.
"And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy," they sang together, "Only you have the power to move me."
They glided off together moving in perfect rhythm with each other. Pearl remembered something.

"I'm sorry I slowed you down," she sang, and she was sorry, for everything.
"You didn't," Rusty said, he forgave her.
They slowed and Pearl looked at him amazed. "You won the race?" she asked.
"I did." He twirled her. He had won, he'd been so worried about Pearl he'd forgotten.

"There was I," Pearl sang.
"There was I," Rusty echoed.
"Wondering why," Pearl continued.
"I was wondering why," Rusty sang twirling her.
"Everyday disappeared into the distance," they sang gliding off together, they joined hands, "Now with you the light is shining through, you gave me life not just existence. Only you... "
"Only you!" Rusty sang.
"Have the power to move me," they sang together gliding around faster, "And together we'll make the whole world move in sympathy."
"Brighten up the darkest sky," Pearl sang.
"Brighten up the darkest sky," Rusty echoed glowing, the light grew until the whole yard was completely lit.
"If only you use the power to move me," they sang, "Take me, make me, hold me, mould me and improve me we can make it happen, you and I!"
The lights dimmed and Pearl twirled into his arms and they kissed.

A whistle sounded and they both looked up.
"Who... " Pearl started.
"Well done Rusty king of the track," distant voices sang.
Rusty blushed and looked down at his wheels. Pearl squeezed his hand.
The long train skated over. "Well done Rusty king of the track," they sang.
Poppa held out something ceremoniously. Rusty sank to his knees and Poppa lowered a medal around his neck.
"You never took your lap of honor," Poppa whispered, "Take it now. You've earned it."
Rusty grinned, he had earned it, and looked at Dustin who shook his head. Rusty and Pearl skated around the track taking his lap of honor. Finally the honor and glory was his, and he'd proved he could do it.
"Lap of honor cancelled! Lap of honor cancelled!" Control shouted, "Engines must obey Control!"

They all ignored Control and Rusty finished his lap of honor.
"The Fastest Locomotive in the World," Poppa said proudly.
"Yeah!" the trucks let out a cheer. Rusty responded with a whistle.
Buffy and Ashley were watching Rusty and Pearl.
"I love it when romance occurs on the railroad," Buffy said to Ashley delighted, "The steamer she dreamed of turned up right on time."
"Now steam is the winner, now steam's back in style," Ashley said, "Maybe smokers might rate an occasional smile," she added hopefully.

"Belle... " CB started softly.
"What?" she asked.
"Wh-what's gonna happen to me?" he asked.
"Huh?" she looked at him and couldn't believe her eyes; he was scared.
"Belle tell me," he said, "Please. Am I... " he took a breath, "Am I going to be... "
"First thing in the morning I am taking you to the repair shop," Belle said.
He gave her a look of absolute adoration.
"You may be a trouble maker," she said, "But you're our trouble maker. We're keeping you."
"But you're gonna behave now," Poppa said, "Right." It was not a question.
"Yessir," CB said, for awhile anyway...

"I guess that everything turned out all right," Rusty said.
"I should've know it from the start," Pearl said, "But now I know I've made up my heart."
They squeezed hands.

Greaseball had been watching everything dully. He had fallen again and wasn't bothering to move. Dinah saw him and ran to him.
"Greaseball you're hurt!" she cried.
"No Dinah please don't cry," Greaseball said quickly, trying to comfort her. He looked down at the wreak he had become, "I'm washed up," he said, "I'm finished but... " he looked down at his skates suddenly shy, "Gee Dinah I... " He took a breath and tried again, "I'm... " he sighed, "I don't know how to tell it."
"Come on Greaseball," Dinah said, "You can spell it."
Spell it? He thought, I can do that...
"Okay Dinah," he said, "I'm s... o... r... r... " he hesitated, "R... y."
Dinah sighed and smiled. He hazarded a look up at her. She gently threw her arms around him.
Rusty and Pearl were watching them, he wasn't sure Greaseball deserved a happy ending, but Dinah did. The two engines looked at each other for a long second, and then shook hands.

"You could be converted," Poppa said suddenly.
"Whaddya mean?" Greaseball asked.
"Rebuilt with a new and better form of power," Poppa answered.
Greaseball slowly realized what Poppa meant.
"You mean I could be converted to steam?" he asked.
"Sure could," Poppa said, "And with steam you'd be under your own control... "

"Engines must obey Control! Engines must obey Control!" Control shouted, "Do what you're told!"
Poppa looked back at everyone and raised one eyebrow.
They all looked up towards the voice.
"Shut it Control!" they shouted. A very stunned Control fell silent.
Belle had 'borrowed' the boom-box and she hit play.

"Diesel is for unbelievers!" Poppa said. The crowd let out a cheer.
"Electricity is wrong!" He continued. Another cheer. Rusty grinned at Pearl.
"Steam has got the power that will pull us along," Poppa sang, "There's a light at the end of the tunnel. There's alight at the end of the tunnel, the inside might be as black as the night... "

"But there's a light at the end of the tunnel," everyone sang.
"Oh sing it children," Poppa said happily.
"A light at the end of the tunnel," they sang, "The inside might be as black as the night but at the end of the tunnel there's a light."

"It's the power of James Watt, the steaming Scot," Poppa started, with a sweeping gesture he passed the narration on to his partner.
"The man who watched the pot," Belle sang taking over, "And said... "
"Hey I've got!" everyone shouted.
"A brilliant plot," Belle continued, "When that steam gets hot, it seems to make a lot of power."
"It could turn a wheel," Poppa suggested spinning his.
"Lots of power!" everyone shouted bouncing to the music.
"It could drive it down the track," he continued.
"Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack," they chanted.
"It could drive it with a beat," Poppa sang.
"With enough left over for a... " Belle started.
"Woo woo!" everyone whistled. (Rusty's rising above)
"He saw the light at the end of the tunnel, there's a light at the end of the tunnel," they sang skating around.
"Well thanks James Watt," Poppa sang.
"Thank you Mr. Watt," the trains echoed.
"For watching that pot," Poppa continued, "He saw the light at the end of the tunnel... "
The trains split into an inner circle and an outer one. They joined hands and rotated.
"He saw the light at the end of the tunnel," they sang, "The inside might be as black as the night but at the end of the tunnel there's a light."

The circles disbanded as Poppa slowed. "There are dark days ahead," he warned, "When the power goes dead, when the oil runs dry."
"Mmm what can we try?" Belle asked.
"We could use the sunlight," Buffy suggested.
"But it don't shine at night," Belle responded.
"Nuclear fission leaves a nasty emission," the group sang.
"Soon the pistons will be humming," Poppa called, "Steam will have a second coming!"
"Woo-woo-woo!" everyone sang.

Coach, component, engine and truck joined together in five trains, the lead of each joined hands and the spun around.
"We see the light at the end of the tunnel," they sang, "We see the light at the end of the tunnel."
Poppa gave Belle a spin. "Just dig a hole and haul out the coal," they sang.
"We see the light at the end of the tunnel, we see the light at the end of the tunnel." The five trains reformed into four, gliding around each other.
"So let the water boil, good bye to oil," Poppa and Belle sang, "At the end of the tunnel there's a light."
"We see the light at the end of the tunnel, we see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"When that Angel Gabriel blows his magic toot we see the light at the end of the tunnel," Poppa and Belle sang as he gave her another spin.

Rusty blinked, they had almost looked like they were glowing. Pearl pulled him back into the whirling trains.
"We see the light at the end of the tunnel," they sang.
"We see the light," the girls echoed.
Poppa and Belle skated through the crowd and everyone slowed.
Rusty and Pearl, and Greaseball and Dinah joined hands.

"We see that distant gleam that tells you its steam," everyone sang, "At the end of the tunnel there's a light... "
Two stars shone brighter then the rest in the sky above.
"I am... " Rusty said softly feeling a thrill run through him.
Pearl looked down, their hands were glowing.

