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The cello is a big wooden instument.

This instument is made up of 4 strings. These are called open strings.
The 1st and highest string is the A string.
The next highest string or 2nd string is the D string.
The next or 3rd string is the 2nd lowest, and it is called the G string.
The lowest or 4th string is the C string.
There is also a finger board. When we are playing the cello you use your strings on your finger board to pluck the strings or use the bow and hold the string when you are not playing open strings.
Above the finger board is the neck in which you hold the cello by.
At the top are the tuning pegs, for major tuning.
If your not careful in doing this you could break a string.
Now let's go back down.
Below the open strings is the bridge which holds the strings in place. It much be shaped in a special way. It can not break,or elseyou don't have a cello.
Below that is the tail piece.
That holds the Fine Tuners, for some small tuning.
Aside from the Tail Piece, there are the 2 F holes. These are where the sound comes out.
Last is the endpin. It goes in and out in order to have your size, to play the cello.
come in all sizes and can be adjusted by the endpin to different sizes.
Sizes are:
1 Quater,
3 quaters
and 1 whole
You can pluck the strings or use the bow.
The bow is made of wood and horse hair.