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Role-Play # : 02 || Record : 003 - 002 || Achievements : None



-[[[ The Scene opens up outside a house, the Camera Zooms around the house Looking to see who’s in it! The Camera Finally goes into the Living room, there it finds The Impact Players, and they are the couches looking at some old Beniot Tapes!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || I can’t Believe that they Actually put you in a match with this loser Beniot!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || I can’t believe it either, one week I’m in a match with the World Champion and then the next week, I’m in a mid-carder type Match!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || It’s alright! He will just be another Victim of the Perfect Storm!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || I guess your right!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || you Guess? You know your going to kick his Canadian ass all over that ring!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || your right! Everyone will find out why I’m the best thing to hit Canada since the Maple Leaf Sucks!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || What’s wrong with you, Usually you don’t talk like that about your Country?

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || Don’t you Watch Sports, our NBA, team didn’t even make the playoff’s, they would if they get ready Vince Carter, Damn, that guy gets injured every week! They should of Kept T-mac, he is way better! But Anyways.. Back to Beniot.. I can’t believe that actually call him the Canadian crippler, Who Has He Ever Crippled in his Wrestling Career?

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || He Actually Has Crippled Someone, Remember he Drop Sabu on His Neck and Broke it!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || Oh Yeah! But that was when it was like us!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || What do you mean like US!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || When we were all Extreme, well.. Me and you are Still Extreme but he’s not!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || Yep.. His not, ever since he left ECW for WCW, he become a little Bitch!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || I don’t know about all that, but I do know, Come Raw, he’s gonna lose to the best thing to hit Canada Since Vince Carter!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || I’m Getting tired of Looking at these dumb video’s of Beniot, Let’s go to the CWF House show, it’s like a hour drive, we will make it, if we leave right now!!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || I guess we can go, let me bring these tapes to watch when we get there!

-[[[ The Scene fades to a commercial break! When The Camera Comes back from the CWF, Jason is outside of the area waiting for the arrival of the Impact Players! The Camera fades back inside of the area; Where Edge and Christian are doing a promo for their match! All of a sudden the CWF tron fades to the parking lot! A Car pulls up and out comes the Impact Players, they see Jason and they Begin to talk!

..: || ~ “The Sexiest Man Alive”~ || Where were 2 to been at?

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ || Taking care of some Business, why?

..: || ~ “The Sexiest Man Alive”~ || Just wondering! Lance Torrie stop by and told me to tell you to call her on her Cell!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || Ok!

..: || ~ “The Sexiest Man Alive”~ || Lance, I saw Beniot backstage walking around.

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || What did he say to you? Did he look scared?

..: || ~ “The Sexiest Man Alive”~ || He just looked at me with a weird look and he didn’t look scared at all, but he told me to tell you to pay attention,, because the same thing is gonna happen to you on RAW!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || We will all see what happens of Raw.

..: || ~ “The Sexiest Man Alive”~ || What is gonna happen to Beniot on Raw!

..: || ~ Perfect Storm ~ || I can’t believe you have the balls to ask me that stupid question! Beniot is gonna reliaze that I’m way better than he is! Everyone calls him the Crippler but come Raw, I’m Gonna Cripple His ass and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it!

..: || ~ Justin Credible~ ||

Not Just the Coolest, Not just the best, Justin Credible~ !!

Been Maple Leafed : Bagwell||Rhyno||Los Guerrero's||Beniot? ||
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