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Unorganized Life
Friday, 7 January 2005
Snow Fun!!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Family
I just got home from a night full of cocoa, sledding, smore's, and a bon fire. I actually chickend out on the sledding, but I made lots of coca to keep all the little ones warm. The hill was absolutely huge. Two of the kids that went down were only 3 years old, they were the most fearless kids I have ever seen, they didn't cry at anything!! Miss Tornado Ally, as we like to call her just kept on going and going, even at 9pm she kept on going. If I had that kids energy I would never have to drink caffine!! Well enough of my babbling, have a good night:) Maybe I will put pictures up later.

Posted by musicals/crowley_sarah at 9:45 PM EST
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Thursday, 6 January 2005
Working hard, or hardly working???
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: My Career
Well, I met with my boss last night to see when I will start working. Lucky me I get to start working on Monday. I am sooo nervous. One good thing I will be earning some money, and maybe someday soon I will be able to move out of this house. The other good thing, I get to go shopping for new clothes!!! I looooove shopping:) So everyone has to come see me at the salon, I will be working Mondays, Thursdays,and Saturdays, and of course I will still be subbing at the High School on Tuesdays. C-YA

Posted by musicals/crowley_sarah at 12:29 PM EST
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Tuesday, 4 January 2005
Mood:  irritated
Topic: School
AHHH!! I hate computers. I have been trying for like 4 hours just to get on to aol so I can send and email, one little email and it isn't going to happen. I get to a certain point then the stupid computer screen says PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED. I have tried everything. It's kinda funny this is really the only site it is letting me on:) TTYL

Posted by musicals/crowley_sarah at 1:42 PM EST
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Mood:  lazy
Topic: School
Ring... Ring..... 6:30AM the phone rings this morning, "Sarah can you come in today" and no matter how much I want to say no of course I say yes. That is one of my biggest problems, not knowing how to say no. NO NO NO NO NO I don't want to!!! I just don't want to. I want to be lazy I want to sleep I don't want to commit!!!!!! Well I am off to go sub instead of sleeping. :(

Posted by musicals/crowley_sarah at 6:46 AM EST
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