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Kimo's PC Project


The several month long project begins...

I cut the door out and mounted it with hinges from ace harware and clicky things to hold it shut from home depot

Power and Reset buttons removed from my old Aspire Turbo II case RIP

All of the above is my old setup, everything has been replaced save the sound card and DVD burner

Asus 16X DVD burner

Hiper Power Supply 580W

Huge 120mm CPU fan

Foam to help seal the case and keep noise in

Cardboard backing removed and ready for 3/4" MDF

New custom backboard 3/4" MDF

New Sennheiser wireless cans

Zalman cooler and ram heat sinks

Time for sound dampening!

Finally rigged up a hard drive bracket

-----Two different pictures-----

I was told that sound dampening wouldn't make any difference but now that I have done it, I must disagree. It made a pretty significant difference! The only reason you can hear the pc at all is because the power supply fan is exposed to open air in the back of the desk. That's all you hear really. Which isn't much noise at all.

A big thanks goes out to Rick from RAAMmat® for giving me some leftover RAAMmat sound dampener and ensolite foam to use! Great product!

It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed doing it.