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x___ hey this is car0lines music .. i 0nly give my frends tha musik links..s0 yeah.. xPP ___<3

blo0p . blo0p.

why doesn`t tha c0de wurk??
okie d0kes.. sometimes tha music URL i qive you doesnt work because anqelfire iz d0wn..but the link will w0rk sometymez.. s0 yeah..if you dont wanna use tha codes iz fine with me ;P heh

why did yo0 make this site
i made this site b`kuz ppl keep 0n asking me for music c0dez nd stuff so yeah..imma juss put wuhtever codes i want t0 ryte here nd if i d0nt have the thing you want,yo0'll havto lo0k somewhere else then xPP s0rry..its just that i get rewll tired fr0m lo0king for music c0des wen ppl ask me t0 lo0k fer them x[ hah

0n tew tha music .. ? x]