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Camina's Fortress
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Victoria: Omigosh, we have visitors!!!
Etcetera: Nuh-uuuuuuuh!!! Wow!
Electra: Holy shmokes!  When did that happen??!?!?!
Jemima: Who woulda thunk it?
Camina: Oh come on, get a grip.  Of course they would come! *grins broadly*
Etcetera: What-ev-er.......
Victoria: **giggles**  I never thought anybody would show up.......
Jemima: Wow, you people must be desperate....
Electra: Or really bored.
Camina: **looks at small pack of visitors** And you thought it would be great if you could be a Jellicle kitten..... Ha.  Ha.  *Lowers voice* They're brutal, I tell ya.
Victoria: I heard that!  Don't you think you're getting a little off topic? Hmm?
Camina: **Rolls eyes**  Anyways, this is my hunk of junk that I call a website.  If you haven't figured out by now, this is a website devoted to the hit musical, Cats.  Cats was the longest running Broadway show, until it-
Etcetera: They know.  Shuddap and get on with the show.
Camina: **Thumps Etcetera upside the head**  Bug off.....Anyways, this is my website, feel free to look around.  This website is still under construction, more things will be added in the future.  Any questions, comments or whatever, just email me!
Camina's Fortress: Up and running since February 1st, 2005!!!!!
To email me, just click the "email" button up there^. Duh.  If you have AOL or AIM, then im me on stardust71391.
From the Desk of Camina.........
Yep, looks like I'm back!  Sometime around Christmas, I officially made it clear that I was taking a break from Cats.  I was really busy back then.  I had rehearsals, practices, performances, games and projects and boy, I was busy!  I'll admit I had kind of neglected my role of Camina.  But, I am  proud to say I am back! So life to the Everlasting cat! Cheers!