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Da name is Kelly. Rae Kelly. And before ya ask, I ain't related to that idiot in Manhattan.  I grew up with most of da boys in Manhattan, and that's all that you're gonna find out about my past, because I DON'T talk about it.  I'm da leader around here 'cause I was da first girl to challenge Spot's authority and in order to keep me out of his LH he gave me da Bridge.  Da first thin' you need to know is that I take nothin' from no one.  Don't make me mad, you'll regret it.  Second, don't mess with Bookworm.  I find out that you do and you're back on da streets.  Third, don't evah touch me. I hate it when people touch me.  Fourth, my room is off limits to EVERYONE! Fifth and finally, the Children's Aid Society agreed to let me run da place, but if they think that I can't handle you bummer's they come in and take over.  If you don't want that happening simply obey my rules. If ya don't like it, there's the door. *Rae points to the door you just entered.*

Heya, I'se Bookworm. I gots my name for my love off reading.  My only friend here (so far) is Rae, she's da leader.  (A word of warning, don't go into her room) Anyway, if any of youse needs any help, come to me, I'll do my best to help ya.  Now have fun and I'll see ya later!

If ya think that ya can handle livin' here, read the rules that the Children's Aid Society insist that we follow and then fill out an application.  Or I can take you on a tour of the building, 'ceptin' my room that is.

Rules ~*~  Application ~*~ Library ~*~  Courtin' Room ~*~ Bunkroom