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Name: Eponine "Ponine" Thenardier

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Occupation: None; but gets by somehow

Place of Origin: Montfermeil

Place of Residence: Paris

-Family Members, Friends, Enemies: -

Appearance: Very pretty and young looking, dispite her saddened brown eyes and tattered clothes. Her hair is a brownish-black colour and is usually fairly messy. Her clothese are tattered and torn, and she has the general appearance of a peasant, dispite her once-wealthy childhood. Her frame is thin and she is very lithe in appearance.


Character Traits: Eponine is spiteful and shrewd at times, but is often concidered one of the boys. She can fight as well as any man older than her can, and is very strong. She tends not to show her emotions to a great extent, other than anger. She often acts very uncaring and aloof.

-Objective Values: -

-Greatest Virtue: Dignity. Eponine does very well to uphold her self-image and worth to others in her general class. She has pride and she will not let it be hurt in any way.

-Gravest Flaw: Eponine often has too much dignity. She often makes herself seem pompous and very boisterous.

-Subjective Values:

-Greatest Pride: Her pride in her strong-will and good-nature

-Greatest Fear/Shame: Being revealed to the world as emotional and afraid.


-an event or deed - She tells no one of her past in Monfermiel

-a circumstance - She keeps her family secret to all others she knows.

-an idea - She has a deep, unrequitted, secret love for Marius.

Physical/Mental Weaknesses: She is physically very strong, but she is a carriage-wreck metnally and emotionally. She is torn from several different angles: an uncaring family, an unriquitted love, an in-ablitiy to show emotions, and several other things.

Interests: Being with the "Barricade Boys", war

Mannerisms and Demeanor: Eponine's manner is very crude and boyish. She often times acts very unlady like and is un-noticed for it.

Motivation: Eponine's motivation in life is very complicated, but can be understood by her values.