The Beta Rho Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota
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The Beta Rho Chapter
Sigma Alpha Iota

Georgia College and State University

Petals of Interest


Calendar of Events

Bulletin Board

Beta Rho Photo Album

Beta Rho Officers


About SAI

Beta Rho History

Tau C Province

Sigma Alpha Iota National Website
Coming Soon! ~ Links to Phi Mu Alpha At GC&SU

Sigma Alpha Iota was founded June 12, 1903 at the University School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan to "form chapters of music students and musicians who shall by their influence and their musical interest uphold the highest ideals of a music education; to raise the standard of productive musical work among the women students of colleges, conservatories and universities." The Founders were seven upperclass and graduate students--Elizabeth Campbell, Frances Caspari, Minnie Davis Sherrill, Leila Farlin Laughlin, Nora Crane Hunt, Georgina Potts and Mary Storrs Andersen. As of August 2001, our membership includes 96,083 initiated members, 191 active college chapters, and 114 alumnae chapters throughout the United States.

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