Welcome to my homepage everyone! Hope you enjoy your stay here;) Oy, I'm sooo horrible at making websites! lolz. Sorry...this page may take a while to load...but if you like rainbow colors, it's quite pretty...hope you think it was worth the wait! And please feel free to email me if you have any suggestions or comments about my site, or if you spot an error somewhere or want me to include something. Don't forget to sign my guestbook (It's all the way at the bottom of this page)!
So...where do you want to go from here?

Random FUN!! Some links to fun spots on the net, and random dolls (etc.) that I adopted.
Neopets rock. You can link to them from here, look at some cooking pot recipes and get some game or shop tips.
My Musicals Page! My little dedications to my favorite musicals, such as Miss Saigon, RENT, and others. Also includes some polls you might want to take if youre a musical junkie...

The lyrics to a bunch of really cool Hymns. Check it out, you might like it.
If you are my friend, come to my friends site! Come come come! ;)
This site comtains links to a lot of online charity sites. All you have to do is visit the site, and companies donate food or money or medication to various needy groups for each time you visit. This way, you can help people with no expense to you, so go visit! It only takes a few minutes.

All my favorite resources for school & stuff...
Quotes & rants and stuff on my fovorite books;P A page dedicated to thanking everyone who helped with my site;) Thanks you guys!
Email Me;)

-6/10/02- its quite obvious that I'm slightly over my webpage obsession. oh well. I'll keep updating every so often. But you can visit my Xanga Weblog.
-1/27/02- well...I haven't been very good about updating as you can see...lol...well, i have a new Tare Panda Page up right now...well...thats about it for now...bye!
-9/20/01- I've been sooo lazy and haven't done much since the last update- I just added a few more Rose Garden quotes and stuck random smushsed pandas and puffs all over the site:) Also, I added stuff to the Neopets game site. Go check it out!
-7/22/01- finally got the Hymns Page up. Also put up a Books Page. Not much yet, but check them out anyway;P
-7/15/01- fixed up the titles of some pages, now the buttons have rainbow backgrounds. Also put up an adopted doll.
-7/10/01-added some polls to the miss saigon site. knock yourself out. and also added a random fun page with links to some fun sites. have random fun;)
-7/1/01-Fixed the format of the RENT Site so it looks a lot cooler now;) I also created more sections with stuff to do, but most aren't working yet...
-6/28/01-well, decided to clear out the updates section- it was getting too cumbersome and long. Well, today, I fixed up the RENT Pictures Site so go check it out;) SO basically, the newest renovations to this site were the Miss Saigon Site and the Credits Page so hope that keeps you endtertained for awhile if anyone comes to this site anyway...;)
-6/27/01- finally started working on the Miss Saigon Site. Have some pictures and lyrics for Act I, so go check it out! ;)
-6/17/01- okay i lied, i haven't been working on the Miss Saigon site. Instead, I fixed up the resources site so it looks classier (well, maybe just a little more...) And I also added some SOUNDS to the cool everything mixed up rent site so go visit it is cool:)

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