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About Us:
ASAA was officially formed in October 2003. It has only one goal;to eliminate Sheila Philip aka SA.
This association was formed when the chairman was suddenly "enlighten" by Philip when he saw her
sweating armpit.ASAA, short for Anti Smelly Armpit Association, hope that we can enlighten the
others so that miseries of people taught by her can come to an end.

10 reasons why we should eliminate Sheila Philip

Click here to learn why we should eliminate philip

About Sheila Philip:
Sheila Philip is a teaching staff in Chua Chu Kang Secondary School (CCKSS), which is a sucky school
upon mentioning, and she teaches the subject Maths. The reasons why she sux so much can be found at the
"10 reasons why we should eliminate Sheila Philip"link above. Every ASAA members will just need 2 words
to describe her; She SUX!!! (allow me to add "to the core")
Wanna join ASAA?
It's simple. Just send an email with your name, sex and class to us. We will review your application
in last than a week's time and give you a reply. The title of the email should only be put as "ASAA".
Thanks in advance for supporting us.
PS:For enquries, do feel free to email us.

Click here to send us your application.

All Right Reserved. ASAA 2003
ASAA-The reliable association since 2003

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