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Um, i am having quite some trouble. Please bear with me. Por favor. Thanx.


"Once a dork, always a dork!" -Clay Aiken

Debut CD

Okay people, Clay's debut CD has two singles, "This is the Night," (which i adore) and "Bridge Over Troubled Water." Thank the RCA records for that!

Write to Clay here:

Clay Aiken

c/o American Idol

PO Box 900

Beverly Hills, CA 90213- 0900


Clay Facts

Full Name: Clayton Holmes Aiken (formerly Grissom)

Age: 24

Birthday: November 30, 1978

Hometown: Raleigh, NC

Nicknames: Gonzo

Pets: once had a goat called Zoe

Religion: Southern Baptist (YAY!)

Education: UNC- Charlotte, Special Education Major

Height and Weight: 6 ft 1 inch, 145 pounds (eat more Clay)

Hair Color: Naturally red, now brown

Eye Color: green!

Shoe size: 13

Allergies: Chocolate, coffee, mint, shellfish, almonds, treenuts, mushrooms

Dream Vacation: his couch

Political views: Liberal

Car: Sedan, selling old Jeep Grand Cheroke

Status: Single and he loves it! (i like that!)

Phobia: water


Requesting Clay

Please request Clay at the local radio station or at the aol radio at The songs "This is the night" and "bridge over troubled waters" may be played. Thanx for your support.







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