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Since I plan on updating the various sections often, but not often at the same time, feel free to use this page to reference the latest updates on the site.

October, 2004

Again, just updated the main page. Now that I've got the lambskin to prove that I'm an official Master, I'll hopefully be here to update more periodically-- once a season at least. In the near future, look for my boasts and brags regarding my neverending quest for Rupert on vinyl, and thoughts on the upcoming filmic version of Rupert's debut novel Where the Truth Lies.

August, 2003

Just updated the main page. As noted, my life is busier than usual, so don't expect too much, too often- at least not from me (unless you're one of my professors, or someone with big bucks and a need for a fantabulous writer- hint, hint).

July 2, 2002

Updated the Rupert news on the front page, and have added the link to RH's musings on Drood to the Musical page. Thanks to the Man himself for all the info! And remember- I love viewer mail, so feel free to drop a line anytime.

February 7, 2002

Check out the three links on the main page for the latest in Rupert news. Hopefully the site will be undergoing some updates this semester- all depends on how much work I have to do. Fondest wishes to break a leg go out to the cast, crew, and all involved with the latest showing of Thumbs!

October 26, 2001:

Sorry the site hasn't been updated in ages. The biggest changes are the links to news items on the main page. More to come, as soon as it, and I am available. Want to know why I'm so busy? Talk about making school worthwhile.

May 27, 2001:

What a hectic semester (and that's putting it mildly). I swear, I'm reading Deathtraps now, thanks to a loverly little part time job that's full time boredom, so more will be coming soon.

January 27, 2001:

I've updated the Musical Accomplishments page to include my new Holmes mp3s and my remarks on the film No Small Affair. Check back soon in the literary department for my commentary on Professor Marvin Carlson's Deathtraps: The Post-Modern Comedy Thriller, which not only features commentary on Holmes's Accomplice, but is dedicated to his very own Crystal Matthews.