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On My Own

By Stormy

One day in the Junkyard Tantomile was sitting on the Old Ford thinking. Coricopat had gone off with this new Queen named Stormy. They had been close since they met. Stormy was stolen when she was a young kitten and she resently found out she had a twin brother... The Jellicle's very own Munkustrap. As much as Munkus tried to protect his slightly younger sister he found no problem in her seeing Cori. Munkus and Cori had never been close but he could tell Stormy really liked him. Tantomile sighed. *Why can't anyone like me?* She questioned herself. *I don't need anyone.* She decided. *No one needs me, why should I need anyone else?* At that very moment Alonzo decided to enter the Junkyard. Tanto watched the handsome tom as he walked past her. She couldn't help but watch after him. Alonzo was one of the handsomest toms in the Junkyard. She was attracted to him herself, but she knew he was with Cassy. Why fight for someone you cant have? She watched as Alonzo curled up around the sleeping Cassandra. Cassy cuddled up against him.


And now I'm all alone again

No where to turn no one to go to.

Without a home, without a friend

Without a face to say hello to.

But now the night is near

And I can make-believe he's here...


Tanto looked up into the sky and saw the sun was setting. A smile crept upon her her face as she thought of the handsome tom... Of how she wanted him to be hers....


On My own

Pretending he's beside me.

All alone I walk with him 'till morning.

Without him I feel his arms around me

And when I lose my way I close my eyes

And he has found me.


Tantomile stood up and left the junkyard going on a walk she knew all to well... She was heading towards her favorite place to we alone. The River. As she walked she could imagine Alonzo holding her in his arms protectively. She sighed softly to herself as she reached the river. As she reached the riiver it began to rain, but she didn't care.


In the rain the pavent shines like silver

All the lights are misty in the river.

In the darkness the trees are full of starlight

And all I see is him and me

Forever and Forever.


Tantomile continued walking along a path beside the river. She didn't care that the rain was getting on her. She wanted to be alone and think of Alonzo. She imagined it was both him and her walking down this path, and he wasn't with Cassandra.


And I know it's only in my mind.

That I'm talking to myself and not to him.

And although I know that he is blind

Still I say, there's a way for us...


Tanto looked up into the sky as the rain fell on her back gently. She knew this wasn't just a simple crush... She knew that if he wanted her he would come to her. But she didnt want to give up quite yet..


I love him

But when the night is over

He is gone...

The river's just a river.


Tanto hated when the night was over, everything she dreamed seemed to disappear until the night following. Her dreams were never with her during the daylight...But when she was alone at night they always came back. Made her want him even more.


Without him the world around me changes.

The trees are bare

And everywhere the streets are full of strangers.


Tanto looked around and saw many cats she did not recognize. She kept her distance from them still lost in thought about Alonzo.


I love him

But everyday I'm learning

All my life I've only been pretending!

Without me his world would go on turning.


Tanto sighed. She knew she could not always have her dreams to depend on... She couldn't make-believe he was beside her forever. She just wanted to be near him. Could he really be that blind not to notice her look of love whenever he passed her by?


A world that's full of happiness

That I have never known!


How she longed to be his. How she wanted him to be with her. She could never be truely happy without Alonzo with her. She can only imagine the kind of happiness that Cassandra is taking, she doesn't realize what Tantomile wants but can not have.


I love him,

I love him,

I love him...


Tanto looked up into the sky as the sun began to rise. Another night was over... She headed back to the Junkyard and saw Alonzo with Cassy both asleep. She sighed.


But only

On my own.
