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I Can See

by Baby Stargazer

Author's Note: Here is a new story! I like making stories out of songs! OH! I dont own CATS or Somewhere Someday by NSync


When Clouds Around You Start To Pour

And All Of Your Doubts

Rain Like A Storm

And You Dont Know Who You Are Anymore

Let Me Help You Find What You've Been Search For


I have seen the change in you. You have changed since the ball. Since you let your beautiful voice sing. You have stopped. Your mother has been worried. I would not doubt. You have been confused, I have seen that. You have stopped playing with your friends. Victoria has been down lately. She misses you, I can tell. You two are so connected. You bother are innocent and brave. But why have you sheild yourself from everyone? Why have you changed?



Somewhere There's A Field And A River


You Can Let Your Soul Run Free


Someday That Me Be The Giver

Let Me Bring You Peace Baby


I've seen you around, yet you say nothing to me. Latley it seems you have been avoiding me. But why would you? You always loved hanging out with me. What ever did change? I have seen you somewhat turn back to your normal self. Yet you are shy around me. It makes me wonder. I notice you and the other girl kittens walk down to an open field. I hide myself and just watch you. You seem so free in that field, yet once you get back to the junkyard and see me then you'll be back to your silent self. I just know it.



Somewhere There's A Break In The Weather


Where Your Heart And Spirit Goes Free


Someday It'll Be For The Better

Let This Bring You Peace...


The golden sun shines on your fur, and it seems to glow. The redness and the blackness makes it beautiful, with the white making you look like an angel. You are a beautiful queen which I admire you very much. As you and the kittens frolic through the field I see all the happiness it brings. Deep down inside, I wish I could give you happiness. The way you are happy now.


Girl, I Know You, Think No One Sees

The Wieght On Your Shoulders

But You Can Fool Me

And Aren't You Tired Of Standing So Tall

Let Me Be The One To Catch You When You Fall


I know why you are acting the way you are now. Munkustrap. Munkustrap wants to mold you into a cat that will know how to be proper and everything. But you aren't proper. He is trying to make you become a cat that you dont wannt become. I can tell you have a playful heart, and no one can take away. But Munkustrap is taking that away from you. All the grown-ups are. They are trying to mold you into a cat you are not gonna become. I wish I could take you away from all of it, yet I don't know how.



Somewhere There's A Field And A River


You Can Let Your Soul Run Free


Someday That Me Be The Giver

Let Me Bring You Peace Baby


I see the pain in your eyes. You eyes tell everything. As you try to hide it, your eyes show it. I see you try to sew, but now doing very good luck. I hear Jennyanydots telling you to pick up the pace, for she was gonna become the next gumbie cat. She would never become a gumbie cat, she was to small and skinny. I dont think anyone could be another gumbie cat. Electra would be a good gumbie cat, just she isn't fat. Now it is time for a lesson in health by Jellylorum. I can tell you aren't very thrilled. I wish I could give you the freedom you need.



Somewhere There's A Break In The Weather


Where Your Heart And Spirit Goes Free


Someday It'll Be For The Better

Let This Bring You Peace...


I followed you in the pouring rain. I followed you all the way to the field. I was stuned when it stopped raining at the field, but it rained everywhere else. I look at you. I know you have special powers. You are a magical cat, you and Victoria do. You both can find the kindness in jellicles. You have have the power to controll the weather as I see. Victoria can tune in and dance her best. I know you two dont know it, but I can see. And that is just something new for me. I watch you run around the field, being happy. I can tell you love the field, where you can run wild and free, and your soul is at peace.


Let Me Bring You Joy

Let Me Bring You Peace

Take These Tears That You Cry, And Trust Them To Me

Let Me Give You Heart

And Let Me Give You Hope

Be The One Constant Love That You've Never Known..


Suddenly she stop, and she breaks down crying. She sobs, and the rain starts to fall again. The rain is her tears, I see that now too. I run out there to her, and take her in my arms. She looks up at me, your beautiful green eyes full with tears. She stares into my navy blue eyes, with happiness and with sadness. I stroke her back gently to get her to calm down. She lays her head on my shoulder and whispers my name softly. She then starts to tell me her troubles.



Somewhere There's A Field And A River


You Can Let Your Soul Run Free


Someday That Me Be The Giver

Let Me Bring You Peace Baby


I rub her back to settle her down. The rain has stopped since she has been in my arms. Oh how I love you, I just cant bring out to say it. I soon begin to nibble your ear purring softly. I feel your eyes uppon me. I see the questional look in your face and I smile. I begin to groom your head purring loudly now, not being able to hold it in. I hear your purr in responce. I look into your deep green eyes. You slowly lean up and lick me. I give a loving lick back and rubs my head against your, purring loudly and proudly. I hear you purr loudly.



Somewhere There's A Break In The Weather


Where Your Heart And Spirit Goes Free


Someday It'll Be For The Better

Let This Bring You Peace...


We walk back into teh junkyard and your face goes back to being serious. Jellylorum comes up to you and saying you are late. Munkustrap, and all the other Jellicles come up to you talking. I see you can't take this anymore.

"STOP!!!"I shouted. All the other Jellicles look at me. "Leave her alone all of you! She doesnt want to learn anything new! Can't you get that through your heads! She doesn't want to be a Gumbie cat, she wants to be herself. Let her choose what she wants to do. Just leave her alone, she has lost her spirit. You are molding her into a cat she shouldn't become. Just leave her alone."I cried. They all looked stunned at me. I never say stuff like that before. They slowly back up and walk away chatting. You look up at me.

"Thanks Pouncival."she said rubbing up against me purring.

"No prob Jemima."I respond, purring loudly.




Let Me Be The One

Let Me Be The One To Catch You When You Fall


Let Me Bring You Peace

