Mixed up Charm Written by Ditto The moon shone brightly as Ditto made her way to Alistair's magic shop. Her good friends, Mistoffelees and Kalikaylinda, had just had kittens there. All Seven born in a big top hat. She grinned, he really had produced seven kittens right out of a hat. Not without help of course. She arrived at Alistair's and crawled through the narrow cat door. The room she entered was fantastic. The walls were covered by tall bookcases that contained every book imaginable. The floor was graced with a beautiful blue Persian rug and in one corner, on a coffee table, was the hat. Underneath the table on a lambs wool rug, sat Kali and Misto with their kittens. Ditto padded quietly over to the proud family and made her presence known. "Ditto, how nice to see you." Said Misto. "It is nice to see both of you too but, I must confess I came to see seven little bundles of joy." Kali smiled, "Their all here." She gestured to the kittens huddled around her. "This is Hip Hop, Teenifooot, Thistletail, Fireflower, Jollylock, Mistymoon and Mistyeyes." Ditto eyed the kittens with admiration. She hoped some day to have some of her own. She was drawn towards Mistymoon and Mistyeyes as they were twins like she and Munkustrap. As she admired them Mistyeyes seemed to sense her presence and crawled over to investigate. Ditto lay down so the kitten could sniff her out. Apparently satisfied Mistyeyes rubbed against her and settled in-between Ditto's paws. Ditto turned to Kali to see her smile and then back to Mistyeyes who purred happily. "I've been curious to know how you two met." She said turning to look at Misto and then at Kali. "That's right, it was before you arrived at the junkyard." Said Misto. Kali smiled, "Yes and part of the story involves a certain silver tabby." She winked at Misto who grinned back at her. "Munku? It has Munku in it? This I have to hear." Said Ditto. "Well now, let me see, it must have been two week before your first ball Ditto, and Kali's for that matter." "Yes, that sounds right to me." Said Kali. "You see it all started when Big Mama Marbleeye messed up my charm." Ditto sat intrigued and Kali and Misto continued the story. "No, I'm sorry, I cannot help you at the fortune tellers tent today." Said Kali to her mother Big Mama Marbleeye. Big Mama glared at her daughter from her one good eye. "I'm sorry Mama but the ball is in two weeks and I need to practice." Said Kali and she turned away. "After the ball I can help you but until then..." She said over her shoulder as she made her way to the junkyard. As soon as she got there Kali went in search of some breakfast. As she passed she winked and smiled at many of the Toms. She liked to flirt with then and enjoyed the attention she got from them. She was settling down to enjoy the morsel of salmon she had found when a shadow appeared before her. She looked up to see Munkustrap. "Oh my," she stammered. She had a crush on Munkustrap and had forever wanted him to notice her. "Hi, Munks," she said with a purr and a flick of her tail. He just stood there starring at her and made no reply. Kali shrugged, "Want to join me for some breakfast?" She asked with a wink. He still stood staring at her, never blinking. She looked back at him for a moment and them turned back to her salmon. She noticed he watched her the whole time. This was strange and she was becoming uncomfortable. She finished her breakfast quickly and turned to go. "See you later Munks," she said, turned and headed for the large tier to practice for the ball. Suddenly the fur on the back of her neck rose. She turned to see Munkustrap a few paces away still starring at her. She smiled and moved on. When she stopped again and was preparing to practice she saw him again. She dismissed him from her mind and focused on the dance. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her moves, the music playing in her head. She made six steps and ran right into a solid wall. She opened her eyes and starred at a silver tabby's chest. She looked up and Munkustrap starred down at her. She smiled, "I don't mind you watching me practice but would you mind giving me some room?" He did not move and kept silently starring at her. She tried to side step him but he blocked her. She frowned and side stepped the other way. He blocked her again. Puzzled by his strange behavior and annoyed that he would not speak to her she waved her paw in front of his eyes. He did not blink and kept on starring at her like a...Zombie! "Oh no," Kali cried, "She couldn't have." Kali quickly turned and ran to the fortune tellers tent. She did not look back until she arrived. There he was, not far behind. Kali stormed into the tent, Big Mama was there straightening up and putting out her crystal ball and tarot cards. "How could you?" demanded Kali. "How could I what?" said Big Mama calmly. "You know exactly what I mean, You've got Munkustrap marching around in a daze fawning all over me!" Kali fumed. Big Mama raised an eyebrow, "Isn't that what you always wanted?" "No, not like that and Demeter is his mate. I would never break up a couple. You know me better than that." Big Mama shrugged and returned to her cards. Kali stepped between her and the table. "Make him stop," she begged. "NO," was Big Mama's reply and with that completely ignored her daughter. Kali knew she would gain nothing further from the stubborn Queen. She sighed and dashed through the back entrance of the tent. She did not have long to wait before Munkustrap was catching up to her again. Her mind was spinning, she had no idea how long the trance on Munkustrap would last and she did not think she could run much longer. She was about to give up when she saw Demeter. The Queen did not look happy and Kali found out how unhappy very quickly. "You! How could you! You know how much I love my Tom. How could you seduce him like this." There was deep pain etched on her face and tears in her eyes. "I'm truly sorry Demeter," said Kali as she ran by, "I really did not mean for this to happen." Demeter heard her but starred open mouthed as Kali ran by with Munkustrap close at her heals. "Munkustrap, come back!" she cried as the two disappeared around the VW bug. Now worried about Demeter Kali racked her mind on how to solve he dilemma. Racing along a thought popped into her head and she detoured out of the junkyard. Mistoffelees was perched on the top of one of the bookshelves in Alistair's Magic Shop. Open before him was a book titled Merlin. He was absorbed in the book when his ears pricked up and he turned toward the front entrance. Kali came through the cat door like a bullet. She was beautiful, as always. She was often in his dreams but today she was definitely distressed. He frowned. "Misto...quickly...block the...door..." she panted. He reached out a paw toward the door and sparks flew. When the smoke cleared there was a huge net covering the cat door. "Thank you." Said Kali as she bent over catching her breath. How amazing, he thought, that she would end up here in her time of need. He still did not know what was troubling her. He bounded down from the bookcase and pawed over next to her. "Who or what has brought you here and in such a panic?" he asked. She did not need to answer him. There was a big crash and Misto turned. Trapped in the net over the door was Munkustrap still in a running motion trying to get through. Misto turned back to Kali who was watching Munkustrap struggle. She turned and collapsed against Misto completely exhausted. He hugged her to him and a wave of heat passed through him. He wondered if she felt it too. "Big Mama put him in a trance and sent him to follow me. He won't leave me and he won't speak to me either. Demeter is mad at me and Big Mama won't break the trance." Kali said and tears rolled down her cheeks falling on the soft fur on his chest. Misto desperately wanted to lick those tears away. "Don't worry, we'll fix everything." He walked her over to one of the big, comfy, blue, sofa chairs and made sure she was comfortable. "Are you Hungary?" he asked. Kali felt her stomach growl and blushed. She hoped he had not heard it. "If it's no trouble, all that running..." she trailed off as Misto clapped his paws and a dish of salmon paste appeared before her. "Th...thank...you." She stammered. "You're welcome, now…" Misto turned and bounded up one of the great bookcases. He pawed through the books on the top shelf until he found the one he wanted. He carefully levitated the old book and got it to float down to Kali's chair. He bounded down again and joined her. He patted the lamp on the table next to the chair and opened the book to the index. "Hmmm..." he mused and flicked his left ear. "Ghosts, Hexes, Levitation, love curses... That's the one." He turned to page 573 and started to read. Kali crouched and peered over his shoulder. Her breath tickled his ears and gave him shivers. He concentrated on his reading. "All right, we are going to need to concentrate really hard and focus on a picture in our minds. Close your eyes." Kali sat up and closed her eyes. "Now concentrate, Focus on Munkustrap, have you got a good picture of him?" Kali twitched her nose in response. Misto smiled, "I'll take that as a yes. Now picture him with Demeter and his kittens. With your mind tell him that he is confused and that it is Demeter that he loves, to go home to her and his kittens. Keep repeating that in your mind. I am going to join you now and do the same." He closed his eyes and started repeating the same thoughts. He cupped his paws together and a fireball began to form. When it was the size of a tennis ball his eyes flew open and the ball shot out towards Munkustrap. Kali opened her eyes to see it hover in the air over him and then explode into thousands of stars. Misto, who was opening his eyes, turned and stared at the door. Kali turned to and saw the Munkustrap had stooped struggling and was now hanging in the net motionless. She ran over to him. "Munks, Munks, are you okay?" she said shaking the net. Munkustrap's eyes opened slowly. He blinked and looked at Kali. "Hi Kali," he looked around, "What am I doing here and why am I caught up in a net?" Misto joined Kali and began removing the netting. "You were the victim of one of Big Mama's Charms." He explained. "What do you mean?" Asked Munkustrap as he rose and brushed the net away. "Oh Munks, it was terrible. Big Mama wanted to punish me for refusing to help her at the Fortune telling tent so she turned you into a zombie and got you to follow me everywhere." Kali started to cry again. "Now Demeter is mad at me, she thinks I bewitched you." Munkustrap hugged her. "Don't you worry, I'll explain everything to Demeter. No doubt she will want to bat it out with me too. I had better go." He released Kali and turned. "Thanks Misto for whatever you have done." He rubbed heads with Kali, shoulders with Misto and turned and headed for the junkyard. Misto waved as Munkustrap left and then turned to Kali. "Oh, thank you Misto. I don't know what I would do without you." Said Kali. She hugged him, he was warm and comforting and she snuggled against him. She felt a warm fuzzy feeling move through her and she began to purr. "Keep that up and I'll be the love zombie." Said Misto. His voice seemed to have deepend and when Kali looked at hi his eyes shone with a deep passion. She was mesmerized. Misto hugged her back and rubbed her cheek. She realized for the first time the real feelings she had for him. All this time she had felt a bond between them but had related it to their magical abilities. She smiled and her eyes sparkled. "You know, I wouldn't mind having you as a love zombie." She winked at Misto and his heart burst with love. "Consider me the zombie who will never let you out of my sight again." He said as he picked her up and carried her over to his favorite spot under the coffee table. He laid her down on the Lambs wool rug and then joined her. She gave a satisfied yawn and stretched. "Shall we have a little cat nap?" he asked lazily stroking her fur. She turned so her head rested against his chest. "Yes Mistomuffin," She said snuggling closer, "Now and forever." Misto watched as she drifted into sleep. What a lucky cat he was.