Captured by Macavity It was a beautiful night. Ditto quietly left Munkustrap's side and made her way to the middle of the Junkyard. There would be a full moon tonight and she wanted to see rise. She padded across the yard to the place where the Jellicle ball took place every year. This was the perfect spot to see the moon. She settled on the top of an old car and watched the sky. The Hench cats spied the black and white striped cat sitting in the yard all alone. Macavity would be pleased tonight if they caught this cat and, a big reward for them. Silently they advanced on the unsuspecting cat and threw their net. Ditto never saw a thing. One moment she was alone under the stars and the next she was caught in a net with four large, ugly, black cats surrounding her. They picked up the net, with her in it, and started out of the Junkyard. She struggled and clawed at the net all in vein. Once worn out she stoped and lay still. There was no point in screaming for help; no one would hear her as they had moved further away from the Junkyard. She knew Alonzo and Plato would have been sleeping on the edge of the yard but it was too late to inform them of her distress. The party moved off to a shady part of town and moved into a group of trees where Ditto made out the shape of an old shack. It was here that they entered a cat made hole in the wall and dumped her and the net on the ground. The net was removed and she could see her surroundings in the dimly lit room. The only light filtered through the cracks between the boards that made up the walls. She saw movement from the far corner of the room. A large Ginger cat came towards them. "What have you brought me tonight?" he snarled. The lead Hench cat whispered in his ear and he smiled. "Very good boys. With Munkustrap in my hands they will have to answer my ransom commands." While they spoke Ditto studied this big cat. He was large and broad shouldered he had a long main of auburn hair and he was speckled like a calico. His face was so darkly speckled that his eyes shone like bright lights from his face. He had white fangs, which showed, well against his fur. In the pitch dark his eyes and fangs would be the first things you would see. He had long ugly, sharp claws and a highly domed face. Wait, a song came into her head. "Macavity!" Yes, it must be Macavity. She went over the song. His eyes are sunken in; his head is highly domed. His coat is dusty from neglect, his whiskers are uncombed. Yes all the traits led her to believe she had been captured by, Macavity! But, he thought she was her brother. She smiled, in this light it would be easy to make that mistake and she hadn't spoken so they had no way of knowing that she was female. Funny, he did not scare her at all. She had been told he was a terrible cat and cared for nothing but revenge and to get the title of Jellicle leader. "Throw him in the room of seclusion. That will teach him for meddling in my affairs." Said Macavity. They Hench cats picked her up roughly and shoved her into a hole and then led her down a hall where they left her and then, after exiting the hole, covered it with a board ceiling out any light that might have shone in. Ditto kept quiet the whole time; she did not want to let them know that they had the wrong cat. After they left she padded around the small room and paced out how much space she had. There was not much but it was not to cramped. All of a sudden she saw a light on the floor. She looked up to see where it came from. There was a tiny hole in the dirt wall that had worn through over time. She stared up at the hole and smiled. She was not alone; the moon would keep her company. She lay down and rested her head on her paws. She hoped the others would be able to find her. She began to sin to herself. "Moon light, turn your face to the moon light." The soft, melodic tone filled the room and drifted into the night. Upstairs Macavity stood alone contemplating his plans to reach his ultimate goal of Jellicle leader. All the Hench cats were gone. They were going to celebrate a heist well done. He was jolted out of his thoughts by a melodic sound. Someone was singing. Their voice was soft and sweet and penetrated hi heard heart. Nothing had done that in so long. He moved around the room trying to find the source of the voice. He stopped when he came to the door to the room of seclusion. How could the music be coming from there? Munkustrap didn't sing like that. This voice was female. His curiosity got him and he moved the board that covered the entrance to the room. He followed the sound down the hall to the room where his Hench cats should have left Munkustrap. Macavity was now confused and this made him angry. "Midnight, not a sound from the pavement?" sang the strange melodic voice. "Stop!" bellowed Macavity. Ditto stopped singing and turned her head. She stared into Macavity's bright eyes. Macavity was startled and took a few paces back. He saw Munkustrap but it was not Munkustrap. This was a female. She had all Munkustrap's markings but she was much more delicately built. She had lucid amber eyes that blinked in the darkness and he saw long lashes. He was speechless, she was a beauty and that reminded him of a love once lost to him. His heart hardened and he glared at her. She did not cower but cocked her head and regarded him curiously. " Do you know who I am?" he growled. "Yes," she said in her soft sweet voice, "Your Macavity." She took a hesitant step forward and sat down wrapping her tail around herself. Macavity felt himself drawn to her and he batted down his feelings. These soft feelings were bad and would get in the way of his plans. "Who are you?" he demanded. "Ditto." She replied. "Ditto? Ditto what?" he growled. He was getting angry. She smiled and almost melted him again. Why did these good feelings start invading him around her? "Just Ditto, I'm a twin." Macavity looked at her again, of course. Munkustrap's sister. He had heard of her. This would work for him after all. Munkustrap would pay a huge price for his the return of his sister. He looked back at her with an evil gleam in his eyes. He expected her to become afraid and shy away but she returned his stare. Why wouldn't she cower in front of him? He rose and clawed at the air in exasperation. Then he turned and left the room returning the plank in place over the hole. Ditto sighed, she could tell Macavity had been fighting inner feelings and she felt for him. She was getting tired so she curled up and closed her eyes. Soon she was asleep. Macavity restlessly paced the floor above. He had been trying to write a ransom note but Ditto kept invading his mind. Her sleek body, large sparkling eyes and sweet voice would not leave him alone. He found himself at the planked opening to her cell and entered. He crept to where she lay. She was asleep. Through the light from the hole in the wall he saw her eyelashes splayed on her face and he could hear the soft purr of her slumber. She was a beautiful Queen and he could feel his heart softening again. He tried to fight if off but she some how sensed his presence and snuggled closer to him. She rubbed against him and purred in her sleep. A lump caught in his throat. With his long burred feelings of love he reached out a paw and stroked her head. She turned into his paw rubbed his arm and pushed her head up under him so he was now hugging her. He sat stunned for a few minutes. This little innocent Queen had melted his heart and he knew he had to let her go. He rubbed his head against hers and carefully unwrapped himself from her. He then picked up her sleeping form and found the hidden door of the chamber. He carried her outside and on to the Junkyard. The moon was bright and he had no trouble finding the two Junkyard cats, Alonzo and Plato. He gently laid her down close to Plato and with one last look, silently disappeared into the night. Ditto awoke to the morning light and stretched. She had dreamt of her captor last night. He had been so gentle with her, maybe deep down he knew of love. She noticed how light it was and realized she was no longer a captive but back in the Junkyard. He must have brought her here; it was to soon for anyone to know that she had been missing. Somehow she must have moved him to release her. She smiled remembering his shock when she refused to fear him. She then noticed Plato lying next to her and she gave him a gentle nudge. He groaned and rolled over. "Come on sleepy head, you'll sleep the day away." Plato's eyes snapped open at the sound of her voice. He turned to face her and rubbed his eyes. "Where did you come from? Have you been here all night and I didn't know it?" "I came last night to see the moon rise and stayed," she told him. She would keep her adventure with Macavity to herself. He deserved his privacy. He hadn't hurt her and she didn't think he ever would. "You wouldn't have come to see me would you?" Plato teased. She laughed, "No you silly boy but since you're here lets get some breakfast." "Mmmmm, sounds good to me." They set off to the far end of the Junkyard where the mice were abundant. Something told Ditto to look up and over to the left beyond a rusted out engine. She saw his form. She knew it was him when she saw his eyes blink in the shadows and she winked back. She saw a faint grin appear around his fangs and then he was gone. Some day she knew she would see him again. ================================================================== The End Please use you browser back-up button to go the the previous page ==================================================================