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Ditto's Ears

Ok here we go.

You will need:

* a set of hair clips.

Hair Clips

* Two pieces of felt. One that is the outside of ear, the other is for inside of the ear.


* Glue

* Scissors

Step 1: Fold outside felt in two, making sure that it is no larger then the height of the ears.

Step 2: Cut outside felt, along fold, into the ear shape you desire. (Note: Cat ears are not purrfect triangles)

Outside Ear

Step 3: Repeat Step 2, so you have two ears. Don't worry if the second ear does not quite match the first.

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 for the inside ear. Making sure that the inside is smaller. If you wish, you can use either outside ear as a template.

Step 5: Cut INSIDE ear along the fold. Shape as desired.

Inside Ear

Step 6: Glue inside ears onto one side of outside ears.

Glue Ears

Step 7: Put glue on the fold of the ears.

Step 8: Open Hairclip. Carefully put glue around the very edge of the upper side. Caution: Don't close clips at this stage.

Step 9: Fold ear over the inside of the upper part of the hairclip.The inside ear should be facing down. Now you can close the clips. The clip should look like it has wings.

Top of Ear
Bottom of Ear

Step 10: Place glue on the Top of the wings.

Step 11: Fold wings up. You ears shuld now look something like this.

Front of Ear
Back of Ear

Step 12: Reapet steps 7 through 11 for the opposite ear. Making sure that you are making the opposite ear, of that which you have already made (ie don't make two left ears).

Opposite Ears

Step 13: You can now add felt to hide the rest of the clips.

You are now have a set of ears. They should look something like this:

Finished Ears

<= CATS Costume =>