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About the Fansite


This is simply a page to explain to everyone how I came about building this site - and also to put a few people straight, as I've received e-mails from people questioning me as to how I got the "official" title.

I started building this site sometime in April 2000, and it started off as part of another website that I used to have about the show "Cats"(- my first love!). Since then, I've rebuilt the fansite separately from the Cats website [which is no longer running] as I decided to make it a separate site for fans of Koffi!

How did I get the official name? Well, luckily for me, I'm in touch with Koffi's brother Kwasi, and as a favour he asked Koffi if I may have the "official" title for this site - and he agreed! So I'm NOT using this title incorrectly as Koffi has agreed to it himself. So it's thanks to Kwasi really! I've tried to give credit to all those who've helped me make this site what it is - and have rounded up all of these people on a 'thankyou' page. I'm open to any pictures/information that anyone may have to contribute, whatever it is, and I'll give anyone who helps me here full credit!

Well, thats about it from my rambling, feel free to take a look around and e-mail me with any comments/questions/suggestions!