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Thoughts of the Contestants

Miss Deep South

"I believe in traditional gentility, modulated tones and graciousness of manner. If the governments of the universe would lay down their guns and pick up the correct fork, the solar system would be a more beautiful place to live."
-Laurinda Summerford

Miss Great Plains

"I believe in my Mom. Ever since we entered the Lake Okabogi County Mother/Daughter Pageant, we've had a very special relationship, even though we didn't win. Or even place. If I win tonight, I'm dedicating my tiara to just one person - my best friend, my teacher - my Mom.
-Bonnie Louise Cutlett

Miss West Coast

"I believe that everything is everything. I used to think all men are brothers, but now I know that all people are persons. So all women are brothers too, and all men are sisters, and once in a while just about everybody is an uncle or a cousin. Like That.
-Karma Quinn

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