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Pageant 2001 Cast Photo

Cast - Clockwise starting at top left

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Original Baltimore Production of Pageant

Audrey Herman Spotlighters Theatre

Pageant 2001 is a production of REP STAGE theater in residence at Howard Community College.
Book and Lyrics by Bill Russell and Frank Kelly.
Music by Albert Evans
Conceived by Robert Longbottom

Directed by Terry J. Long
Musical Direction - Steve Zumbrun
Set Design - Robert Marietta
Lighting Design - Sean Pringle
Choreography - James Hunnicutt
Costume Design - Denise Umland
Props Design - Edward Zarkowski
Makeup Design - Edward Zarkowski
Dramaturg - Lisa A. Wilde
Stage Management - Che Wernsman*
Wig Design - Greg Malone

Miss Bible Belt - Stuart Goldstone**
Miss Deep South - James J. Waltz*
Miss Great Plains - Douglas Lisenbee
Miss Texas - Randolph Hadaway
Miss Industrial Northeast - Brian Jacobs
Miss West Coast - David C. Allen
Frankie Cavalier - Ty Hreben*
Understudy - Edward Zarkowski

Conductor/Piano - Steve Zumbrun
Musicians in our orchestra
Lisa Baker - Percussion
Adrien Cox - Bass
Doug Lawler - Piano (substitute)

*Member of Actor's Equity Association, the professional union
of actors and stage managers in the USA
**Equity Member Candidate

Special Thanks to Bob Russel and his Audrey Herman's Spotlighter's Theater

Cast and Crew Bios