Spoolin' Around

I actually forget where I got this little tube so if anyone knows, please let me know so I can give credit

As usual it's duplicating and dragging as it's the habit I have gotten into since learning from Raven


is all you will need

Written by ©Dorothy

..........Let's roll......

1) First we make the text(so what else is new?)...open tools in PSP...close off all layers except the bottom layer...add a new layer...text size set at 72...color..your choice...I took the color of the thread on the spool.....font...your choice...I included my choice in the tools.....floating and antalias checked...type your text...ok

My name had the d,t and h ,above the line so with my lasso tool...I lassoed them and deleted...this may be why you would like to use a different text....now we are just going to work on the platform ..so just close off the spool layer...with your selection tool set at rectangle...draw a box across the top of your name... add a new layer and with the colour of your text flood fill the selection....hit your deform tool and holding down the shift key drag the top right hand corner out and the top left corner to the right...just to put an angle on the platform...

open the spool and make sure it is sitting on the platform....move the name not the spool... close off the spool layer...merge your text and the platform...add an inner bevel with these settings

layers>merge...re name text... ...drag the text to the bottom

.....Text is done...now onto the rest....

1)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 1...mouse 1...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 1

2)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 1...move the spool forward a little... add a new layer...with your draw tool...size set at 3...color set at the color of your thread.... draw the thread to the left to reach the end of the canvas.....we will do this each time we move the spool... mouse 2...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 2

3)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 1...move the spool forward a little... add a new layer...with your draw tool...size set at 3...color set at the color of your thread.... draw the thread to the left to reach the end of the canvas....... mouse 1...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 3

4)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 1...move the spool forward a little... add a new layer...with your draw tool...size set at 3...color set at the color of your thread.... draw the thread to the left to reach the end of the canvas........ mouse 2...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 4

5)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 1...move the spool forward a little... add a new layer...with your draw tool...size set at 3...color set at the color of your thread.... draw the thread to the left to reach the end of the canvas........ mouse 1...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 5

6)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool ...move the spool forward a little......add a new layer..and draw your line out further than the previous spool..... mouse 2...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 6

7)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 1...move the spool forward a little...it should almost be to the edge... add a new layer...with your draw tool....... draw the thread to the left and down the back...make it long enough for him to reach

Like so

....close off the text layer...layers>merge...duplicate this layer and call it spool 2...close off.....duplicate mouse 1...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 6...you can drag spool 1 to the top and close off ... we won't need it again...

8)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 2 ...move the spool forward to the edge.. mouse 3...place the mouse on the spool...layers>merge... close off and re name layer 8..

9)Duplicate and drag down in this order...text...spool 2 ...move the spool forward to the edge..make sure it is sitting right on top of the spool in layer 8..you may have to open layer 8 to check it....close off text and layers>merge(mergeing the spool)...re name spool 2...close off the original ...mouse 3...place the mouse off the spool..hit the deform and turn him a little to the right

......layers>merge... close off and re name layer 9..

10)Duplicate layer 9...lasso the mouse and delete....duplicate and drag down mouse 3.... give the mouse another turn

go to efeccts>sharpen...once will be enough...layers>merge...close off and re name 10

11)Duplicate layer 10...lasso the mouse and delete....duplicate and drag down mouse 4..... ...layers>merge...close off and re name 11

12)Duplicate layer 11...lasso the mouse and delete....duplicate and drag down mouse 1...image mirror... move him over to the right hand side of the canvas...we are taking him back now...as we move him back try and keep him away from the letters so we can just duplicate the previous layer...saves a lot of extra work that way... ...layers>merge...close off and re name 12

13)Duplicate layer 12...lasso the mouse and delete....duplicate and drag down mouse 2....image mirror... move just ahead of mouse 1...as we move him back try and keep him away from the letters so we can just duplicate the previous layer ...layers>merge...close off and re name 13

14)Duplicate layer 13...lasso the mouse and delete....duplicate and drag down mouse 1....image mirror... move him just ahead of previous mouse... ...layers>merge...close off and re name 14

15)Duplicate layer 14...lasso the mouse and delete....duplicate and drag down mouse 2....image mirror... move him just ahead of previous mouse.. ...layers>merge...close off and re name 15

16>Duplicate layer 15...lasso the mouse and delete....duplicate and drag down mouse 5...to under copy of layer 15...place him on the rope... duplicate and drag down arm...to above copy of layer 15...place the arm on the body making sure the rope is under the arm ....layers>merge...close off and re name 16

17) Duplicate and drag down..text...mouse 5... spool 2....place him further up the rope....duplicate arm...place it on the mouse...

Layers>merge...re name 17

Open all layers and save as

...............All done...still with me LOL.......

..............Animation Shop..............

Open him in animations shop and the first thing we will do is crop.... hit the crop tool....hit options...click surround opaque area click ok...hit the crop tool.....while we are here let's re size him...I like mine at 300... animation>resize set to 300(optional)... edit>select all...animation>frame properties set at....31...right click on frame 1..frame properties set at 125...click on frame 11...animation properties set at 125...here you can play with the speed

....Thanks for trying my little tut...

.....Happy Spooling LOL.............


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