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Susan (aka crazy spikes)
Mel (aka shortie)
Cody (aka i need $)

Yeah, we're a punk band. And we write these awesome songs. Why? Because we can. We don't need a reason to be the best. We just are. 6ix originated in a town called Normal, Illinois back in August of '02. Allthough school prevents us from getting together as much as possible, we practice our hearts out. Allow me to introduce ourselves. I'm Susan, the leader of the group. I'm 16 and I play lead guitar and lead vocalist. (aka Not single you losers!) Our drummer is Ben. But don't be fooled by his age. Although he's only 13, he rocks on the drums, and he's an all around great guy (a.k.a, he's single). Our second guitarist and second vocalist is Melanie. She's also 14, crazy, and fun loving(aka, Dating our bass player!). Our bass player is Cody. He's 15 and he rules on his bass! Though he's rough on the edges, he's like a teddy bear(MEL'S teddy bear to be exact)on the outside. But you really don't want to piss him off...believe me! Because we are a fairly new band we are open to tips, suggestions, comments, and anything you have to say. We hope to be coming out with our first demo in July or August. Our first gig will be in my garage, but again because we're the "new kids on the block" we're unsure of when it will be. When we decide, I'll post it up. Our message is plain and simple. Be yourself and have fun doing it. Why? Because you can. Our songs are about reality, having fun and being yourself. We don't care what other people think when it comes to what we wanna do in life. We just do it. Although we may sound similar to some bands you've heard before, I can guarentee you one thing; we will rock this world like never before.
