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11|24|2003 Playing around with the Activetopic shoutbox while at the same time trying to finish my English homework. It's usable, but incredibly sloppy and ugly. Once I get my homework done, I'll get around to modifying it to look nice.

11|18|2003 Watching this wound is so interesting. Two days ago, I fell while playing tennis and scraped a piece of skin off the joint of my left thumb, as well as messing up the right sleeve of my sweater. It bled for a pretty long time, and when I finally got it cleaned up and got a good look at it, it was a bit deep, maybe about a millimeter or so. So ever since then, I've been watching it every now and then; cheap band-aids that fall off too easily and extreme boredom during class are to blame. Anyway, every couple of hours it gets more shallow. It's like I'm watching regeneration in progress.
Watching it heal made me wonder a bit about how the human body works, something I've never really given much thought before. As I look at it right now, all the little wrinkle lines from the joint are growing back perfectly. And what's stopping the regeneration from just continuing after it should be done and creating some repulsive lump of flesh hanging from my thumb? The whole thing is a lot more complicated than I ever fathomed.

11|16|2003 After much work, I've finally got this site set up more or less the way I want it. I'll almost definitely still be changing a few things, but until then, there won't be much content here. Thus, I've provided a bunch of worthless Java applet games to play.
post scriptum: A hell of a lot of thanks to Enetation and Activetopic for their free, remotely hosted comment and "shoutbox" systems, respectively. I'm running a tiny, 53k HTTP daemon called TinyWeb off of my home computer. Being so small and memory-conservative, it's missing a lot of features that you would get with, say, Apache; not to mention the fact that I'm running Windows XP, and I have no real experience with MySQL or Perl, so I can't really set up any of my own weblog software or CGI scripts.