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Bert, Jon and Daniel's Rock Band

Rock Archives

It's Bake
Bert, our lead guitarrist and singer, under arrest
Check out Daniel, you know you want to
Our Blog
The Red Letter mp3
Last Night in December.mp3

1) The Red Letter
This song is not completed. This is a rough sketch.
UPDATE: The song is completed!!!
2) Sobriety
This song is new, it has vocals, and it is complete! Check it out!
Sobriety is about shallow people. The hero of the song, living around these people all of his life, has tried to fit in. But he finally realizes that everyone is boring, and living without substance is a social game that he does not want to participate in any longer.

3) Last Night in December
This song is also new, completed and with vocals!
Bert wrote the piece in an hour, and recorded it in one take. It is about serious relationships, ones where you make promises to each other such as "We are going to get married, live in Paris and have twins." But then, after you've broken up, you find yourself thinking about these promises half a year later, promises that seem to have been made "Last Night (In December)."

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