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Chiba Ryohei Profile

Leader: Chiba Ryohei

Ryohei Chiba

Birthday: 11/18/1984
Constellation: Scorpio
Birthplace: Sapporo
Blood type: B
Height: 168 cm [5'6 ft]
Sibling: parents, 1 sister [Sayaka]
Favorite Food: Omelette Rice, Fried Pork
Favourite Song: Another Days
Objective [Goal]: to have others respect
Favourite Music: House, Techno-pop
Favorite Sports: Soccer, Baseball
Interest in: Dance
Hobby: dance, football [Soccer]
Special skill: Danceing
Maxim: Love, dreams, hope
Reverence: dance teacher (DA PUMP- ken)

Ryohei's Path © reserve to 2005-2006 by W.G.U.