Untamed Heart - 1993 (PG-13)


Year of Release: 1993
Rated: PG-13
Director: Tony Bill
Approx. Running Time: 102 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 4 stars (Out of 5)

From Back Cover:

A "moonbeam of a love story."
-Rolling Stone

Christian Slater and Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei deliver brilliant performances in this beautifully crafted modern-day romance about two lost souls who find love through each other.

Tomei portrays Caroline, a diner waitress who is consistently (and miserably) unlucky in love. Slater is Adam, the diner's reclusive busboy who harbors a secret crush on Caroline yet is too shy to speak to her. But all that changes one cold night, when Caroline finds herself in a life-threatening situation on her walk home and Adam appears out of the shadows to rescue her. Intrigued by her unlikely knight in shining armor, Carline tenderly breaks through into his lonely world. Together, the two forge a bond of trust and understanding that ultimately blossoms into one of cinema's most unforgettable love stories.

Lending her unique brand of energy and talent, Rosie Perez co-stars as Caroline's fellow waitress and best friend in this touchingly honest blend of realism and humor that works magnificently "because its heart is in the right place" (Roger Ebert, Siskel and Ebert).

My Comments:

This is an incredibly touching love story about two people who just can't seem to find love: one is a waitress who chases love relentlessly but always ends up getting burned, the other is a busboy who is too shy to even speak to anyone, yet somehow they find love with each other.

The most surprising part of this film is the character of "Adam" - a man who possesses a certain child-like innocence, yet who is unafraid to rise to the occasion when brutal force is needed to defend the woman he loves. What's surprising about this character is that Christian Slater - a man notorious for his hell-raising antics - plays him so well. Absolutely one of my favorite films of all time.

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Rated PG-13 (MPAA)
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