Shine - 1996 (PG-13)


Year of Release: 1996
Rated: PG-13
Director: Scott Hicks
Approx. Running Time: 105 minutes
Format(s): VHS
My Rating: Not Yet Seen

From Back Cover:

"An utterly extraordinary true story!"
-Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE

Rarely does a film come along that so illuminates the strength of the human spirit and the triumph of the heart.

Nominated for oever 7 Academy Awards, SHINE is the compelling and poignant story of a young man who defies his father's wishes in order to pursue his dreams. Both thought-provoking and powerful, it tells a story of rebellion and of individuality through the eyes of a pianist whose only form of self-expression is found in the keys of his instrument.

My Comments:

I pulled this one out of the $5.00 bin at Walmart because I was interested to see more of Geoffrey Rush's work (and this is the role that won him the Academy Award for Best Actor). However, I've never actually watched it. It just looks too damn uplifting for me.

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Rated PG-13 (MPAA)
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1996 (Year of Release)
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