Mr. Brooks - 2007 (R)


Year of Release: 2007
Rated: R
Director(s): Bruce A. Evans
Approx. Running Time: 121 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 4 stars (Out of 5)


From Back Cover:

-Gene Shalit, Today

"Kevin Costner gives one of the best performances of his career," (Chicago Sun-Times) in this cunningly crafted thriller filled with nail-biting suspense from beginning to end.

Earl Brooks (Costner) has a thriving business, a loving daughter...and a terrible secret. He's a psychopathic serial killer, and no one has ever suspected him. Unable to control his horrific addiction, Brooks gives in to his sadistic all-too-real alter ego (William Hurt) and succumbs to his murderous urges. But a pesky witness (Dane Cook) to his latest crime and a stubborn detective (Demi Moore) on the case add shocking new twists to an already terrifying game of cat and mouse.

-Larry King

My Comments:

This is a really cool, really creepy movie about a serial killer who kills because he is addicted and cannot make himself stop. His only motive is the thrill of the kill and he's been doing it - and getting away with it - for years. Nobody suspects a thing, that is, until he gets a little careless and someone witnesses and photographs his latest crime.

But the movie isn't as simple as that, because the witness begins pressuring him to let him come along for the next kill. The result is a very twisted, very entertaining film that will keep you watching. Long though it may be.

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