A Bit Of Fry & Laurie: Season 1 - 2006 (Not Rated)


Year(s) Aired: 1987, 1989
Year of DVD Release: 2006
Rated: Not Rated
Written By: Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie
Approx. Running Time: 212 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 2 stars (Out of 5)

From Back Cover:

Before Hugh Laurie was House, before Stephen Fry was Wilde, even before they were Jeeves & Wooster, Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie wrote and starred in their own inimitable sketch comedy series on the BBC.

Witty and urbane, Fry and Laurie lampoon an endless array of targets with a delicious turn of phrase and elaborate worldplay. Absurdities abound as Laurie boils Springsteen down to the bare essence, and Fry utters a sentence never heard before in the history of human communication: "Hold the newsreader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers." Talky period dramas get their comeuppance as John and Thomas exhaust the subject of Marjorie's fall from her horse Thunderbolt.

Catch the first appearancs of such Fry & Laurie favorites as the profanely high-powered executives John and Peter, Gordan and his compulsively contentious friend Stuart, and insipid M15 agent Tony Murchison and his coffee-obsessed boss Control. Includes 1987 Christmas Special.

A Bit Of Fry & Laurie: Season 2 - 2006 (Not Rated)


Year(s) Aired: 1990
Year of DVD Release: 2006
Rated: Not Rated
Written By: Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie
Approx. Running Time: 177 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 2 stars (Out of 5)

From Back Cover:

Before Hugh Laurie was House, before Stephen Fry was Wilde, even before they were Jeeves & Wooster, Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie wrote and starred in their own inimitable sketch comedy series on the BBC.

Witty and urbane, Fry and Laurie lampoon an endless array of targets with a delicious turn of phrase and elaborate worldplay. Absurdities abound as they devise new swearwords not yet banned for broadcast, and Fry impersonates Michael Jackson. Posh chat show Dinner with Digby deteriorates from witty banter on Venice - Jeremy: "The Queen of the Adriatic!" Digby: "Is only on of the things you've been called." - into a paean to the infinite variety of Marks & Spencer

Catch such Fry & Laurie favorites as profane cliche-slingers John and Peter, international gunrunner and man of mystery alan, and insipid M15 agent Tony Murchison and his coffee-obsessed boss Control.

A Bit Of Fry & Laurie: Season 3 - 2007 (Not Rated)


Year(s) Aired: 1992
Year of DVD Release: 2007
Rated: Not Rated
Written By: Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie
Approx. Running Time: 172 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 2 stars (Out of 5)

From Back Cover:

Before Hugh Laurie was House, before Stephen Fry was Wilde, even before they were Jeeves & Wooster, Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie wrote and starred in their own inimitable sketch comedy series on the BBC.

In A Bit of Fry & Laurie Season Three, you'll be treated to another six episodes of the jiggery-pokery, genius word-wrangling and general hilariousness that took the comedy sketch show and kicked its sorry ass around the car park.

"We had our first child on the NHS and had to wait nine months. Can you believe it?"

If you liked A Bit of Fry & Laurie Seasons One and Two, but felt it was a little easy on estate agents and didn't show enough of Hugh Laurie in a dress, then this is the season for you. It features the legendary Kick Ass sketch, a new take on rising for the national anthem, camp debonair Simbold Cleobury, The Bishop And the Warlord on Top of the Pops, and Tony Inchpractice's "Photocopying My Genitals With..." In the third season of their legendary BBC series, Fry and Laurie are in cracking form producing some of their funniest and best-remembered sketches.

A Bit Of Fry & Laurie: Season 4 - 2007 (Not Rated)


Year(s) Aired: 1995
Year of DVD Release: 2007
Rated: Not Rated
Written By: Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie
Approx. Running Time: 207 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 2 stars (Out of 5)

From Back Cover:

Before Hugh Laurie was House, before Stephen Fry was Wilde, even before they were Jeeves & Wooster, Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie wrote and starred in their own inimitable sketch comedy series on the BBC.

A Bit of Fry & Laurie Season Four returned with "me colleagues" hilarious, eccentric sketch show that took comedy to another level and entered with a loud soupy twist.

"The local pizza delivery boy came round and I took one look and I said, never mind the super supreme, I'll take you, just as you are... thin and cripsy. That's how we met. You could have knocked me down with a court order when I discovered he was my son."

The final season of Fry & Laurie has even more sketches that'll have you laughing every hair-gelled minute, including the exceptionally descriptive Detective Sergeant Carter and the quizzing Henry Kelly in the amusing Going For Gold sketch. Not to mention another drink with a rather suggestive Barman and a sing-a-long with a sophisticated Song. Add to this the unbeatable wit of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie and you couldn't ask for a better comedy classic.

My Comments:

This is a sketch comedy show written and performed by Stephen Fry (Blackadder) and Hugh Laurie (Blackdder and House, M.D.). Like most shows of its genre, some of the skits are very funny, some are moderately funny, and others fall flat. Unfortunately, too many of them fall into that last classification and I can only give this one an "okay" rating.

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